This morning is my first morning waking up in our home alone.  
Everyone is scattered for the weekend. So, it is just Coco and I for right now. 
The house is quiet. 

 I decided to come outside and write while enjoying the sound of the wind and the singing of the birds; but I keep fining myself drifting off, wondering what everyone is doing.  
As nice as the quiet is, I miss the commotion of the morning.  I miss knowing that the kids are snuggled in bed sleeping while Nick and I sit on the patio welcoming the day. 

It ‘s also, times like these that allow me to remove myself from everyday life and reflect on all the blessings we have.  

Yesterday was such a lazy day. ( you need them once in a while) Neiko and I decided it was going to be a Christmas Movie Marathon Day! We just cooked, baked and watched movies; loving every second of it.  

Its times like that that prompts all of the ‘remember when’ conversations. It was a great trip down memory lane.  We realized that no matter what is happening around us, the fact that we have each other and fill our lives with amazing people, we will always be ok. 

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment 
until it becomes a memory.
~ Dr Seuss

Take time, be understanding and patient to people and situations around you. If we slow down just a bit and really listen to the world around us, I believe you will find exactly what you need at that moment. Sometimes it may come from the most un expected places…but you have to be open to it. 

 Sunday’s are meant to be surrounded by family and friends… take time for yours today!

I’m off to do a little yoga and meditation...then a perfect day with my son and mom! 
~Ash xo 

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    December 2013

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