I hope everyone had a great weekend!   It was so cold here this weekend.. it was AWESOOOME! 

Let me first apologize about not having the links for the videos.  I am having some serious issues with getting them uploaded to YouTube.  A 40 second video is taking about 45 min.  I’m not sure what is going on but, I hope to have it corrected soon.  Nick and I did some great things that will help explain some of the exercises that I list. 
THIS is what I feel like when YOUTUBE does not upload! :)
PictureEveryone needs gym selfies. lol

So I made it through my first week pretty good!  Keeping on track with my workouts and food; I think I am finally figuring out what works best for me. 

 I am learning that my body responds better in the morning than, mid day or night.   Yesterday I went to the gym at about 3, and even though I had a great session, I could feel I was more sluggish than when I go in the AM. 

The other thing I learned… I NEED TO EAT MORE.   I know this may sound silly, and while most would love that idea, I am honestly having a hard time with it.  Not because I’m thinking of all the food I’m in taking, but because, for me,  it’s exhausting.  


 I think of food as fuel. Something my body needs to survive and grow.  Unfortunately with that, I am not always eating with intention.  I’m eating standing up, thinking about everything else I have to accomplish that day and I just want to be DONE.    

Now, I know this is wrong.  I tell my clients all the time, you have to eat with intention.  Everything you do up to that point has a purpose.  

Think about Thanksgiving Dinner… You are excited and happy to prepare the meal.  In turn, it is packed with love!  

Ever notice how Holiday Meals always taste so much better than everyday meals?

 ‘Everyday meals’ are prepared on a rush, thinking about your job, or the family schedule after work; before you know it your plate is clean.  Do you even remember ‘what you ate’ or ‘what it tasted like’?

Try eating with intention. 
*Think about your food as you prepare it, what is each ingredient giving you?  How is playing a role in your health?

*Sit at a table, with your feet below you and be thankful. (I’m not saying you have to say a prayer, just thankful that you are able to have food on your plate)

*Enjoy every bite. Really taste the layers of flavors and textures that you prepared.

*And think / talk about happy, good and productive things for that period of time.

Just as life, I’m ever evolving.   My goal this week, Eating with intention.  :)


Normal 5-8 minute Warm-up

SUPERSET : 2 rotations with 60 second rest between rotations.
20 alternating lunges (10 each leg)
*holding 10 lb dumbbells

20 Lateral squats (10 each leg)
*holding 10 lb dumbbell

5 burpies

Seated rows, neutral grip
5 sets, each time increase your weight with 60 second rest between sets
Set 1:  15
Set 2:  12
Set 3:  10
Set 4:  8
Set 5:  6

Assisted Pull-ups
*Same set rotation as above

High Cable Rows
*Same set rotation as above

 SUPERSET: 3 rotations with a 90 second rest between rotations.
12 bicep curls
*10 lb dumbbells

12 back extensions
*10 lb dumbbells

12 hammer curls
*10 lb dumbbells

Warm up 5-8 min…. I did the stair mill

Leg Press 5 sets of 10 
*1st and 2nd set 70 lb

*3rd and 4th set 90 lb
*5th set 80 lb

Sumo Squats 5 sets of 20
*sets with 25lb dumbbell held with both hands between legs

Straight Leg (Single Leg) Dead Lift 5 sets of 10 Each Leg
* sets with 10lb dumbbells

3 sets per leg of Lunge around the clock

Have a Beautiful Day! BIG HUGS! ~Ash

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    This is just raw and simple. Join me on this journey. 


    December 2013

    Products I Use.
    People ask me what supplements or or vitamins I use, so here you go.... 
    You can find my secret HERE.