Oh my goodness, it is 8:30 pm and I feel like I have hit a wall.  I will not lie, today I was spent!  This past week was packed with family events, the launch of the web site and blog (thank you for everyone that has sent encouraging words, I cannot tell you how much that meant to me. Big Hugs!)  Getting back into my workout routine, which I actually missed on my rest day; and everything else that life brought our way.  Needless to say, physically and emotionally drained! 
Today we were up early to go meet some of Nicks friends that were visiting from out of town. We had a blast, and it was nice to see Nick taking time to laugh and relax.

We did not prepare for the day at all.  Breakfast was some peanut butter toast and coffee… and out the door we went.  As we were driving down the turnpike we realized that we did not bring anything with us, we knew we were not going to be back home until about 2 or so, we left at 8:30.

 This sad photo is a result of not thinking ahead.  The crazy thing is as we walked through Publix with these items in hand I said to Nick that was ashamed that I need to tell you guys this.  But as he reminded me, “it happens to the best of us” and this is why it is important to plan. 

We did have a wonderful day catching up with everyone….but the day caught us with us just as fast.  As much as I would love to crawl into bed right now and shut off the day, I am going to at least do a little yoga and meditation to prepare me for the week ahead.  

I was reminded today about the importance of thinking ahead.  It really is simple, if I just slow down and have a mental check list, I will be just fine.  Just as I do for the guys before they leave the house, I cannot forget about doing the same for myself.

This is day 4 for me, and even thought I did not do everything just right, I did commit to taking control and establish accountability; which has honestly made me a happier person this week.  Knowing that I have the support from all of you has made this so easy.  
It is funny, T.H.I.S is what Nick and I do for our client’s day in and day out.  We help establish goals and action points.  We support them in reaching each mild stone and gently guide them to being a better, stronger version of themselves. So I just want to take a moment this Sunday and say THANK YOU all for being a part of this journey with me.  I cannot wait to see what this next week as in store!  

Sweet Dreams my Friends, (or Good Morning!)

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    This is just raw and simple. Join me on this journey. 


    December 2013

    Products I Use.
    People ask me what supplements or or vitamins I use, so here you go.... 
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