…Just Chilly for Florida and I love this weather!  We had the windows open and the crisp air that was flowing through  the house woke the crew, we were ready to conquer the day.  Nick and Neiko had a great workout this morning and Coco was a happy puppy.   While they were taking on the day, I got breakfast ready, lunches packed, and Coco fed. 
Scrambled Eggs with Sauteed Spinach & Tomatoes with a little Mozzarella & some Ezekiel Toast. nom nom nom
Once they were out the door, it was my turn.  I was stoked to get to the gym, only to be brought to a halt by a bad accident on the way.  I pray no one was hurt. The accident forced a detour of traffic,  I was not familiar with where I was but knew if I kept heading North, I would eventually recognize a road. 

This was as little gift. 

The side road that I took looked like I was in another state. I had the windows down, the cool air coming in and I loved the scenery so much I found myself driving slower than normal through the neighborhood.  The roads where tree lined and winding, the houses were either on slops or down hills.  It gave me the feeling of the holidays.. and I loved it. …..I wish I took a photo. Maybe I’ll take that way tomorrow, just because. 

Once to the gym, I had a great workout and felt centered.  It was just what I needed to continue a productive day.  We have so much going on right now it is exciting…. But it is a lot. I am trying my best to keep myself on task and all the projects rolling in the right direction without neglecting others.  

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, but then I remember I am the one who gets to decide what is important at that moment.  Today I did need a little extra time to"just be",so I took a que from Coco. See she has this one spot in the yard that she loves.  She will sit there just looking out, taking in the sun and smells around her. So I did the same. 
Anyone that knows us knows our backyard is full of pallets that we re-purpose.  So I took my yoga mat and sat atop under the sun and began to meditate. I could feel myself drifting; giving thanks for all I have, the people in my life and the love that surrounds me.  It was a peaceful 5 min.  Although I would have enjoyed it a little longer, I was happy with what I was able to achieve.  My head was clear and I had my tasks mapped out for the day. 

Once cleaned up, I had a delicious lunch. Spaghetti Squash with Tomatoes,Onions and Garlic, Sunflower Seeds and a little Goat Cheese.
I know it is so easy to become overwhelmed, especially during the Holiday Season. Remember, It will all get done. And if by chance something is missed; YOU are the ONLY one who knows!  So do not beat yourself up.  

Take time for yourself, wake up every morning thankful, and go to bed every night being proud of what you accomplished that day. 

Here are our workouts for the day. I am going to start including the Kido's as well 

400 meter warm up

8 explosive step-ups, each leg
10 decline sit ups
10 one arm dumbbell snatch, each arm

400 meter run
30 mountain climbers

8 min cardio warm up

15 light to mod weight pull overs
10 thread the needle, each side. (side plank, arm straight up, twist and slide arm trough. 
20 mountain climbers

10 push-ups
20 air squats
10 cable bicep curls

10 dumbbell skull crushers
10 seated hammer curls
10 seated shoulder press
Today's Lesson: Where ever you are, whatever you are doing, be present in that moment.  If it is important enough for you to be devoting time to, it is important enough to learn from.  

Today I found a new route to the gym that makes me smile.  I also allowed myself 5 min of meditation in the sun before tackling the tasks of the day.  
...and then there is this...
( As I finish writing this I am hearing commotion in the garage… what I find is Nick giving Neiko a little Italian Lesson… lol… one of the things I am thankful for.. a house full of laughter)

Sweet Dreams, Good Morning.

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    December 2013

    Products I Use.
    People ask me what supplements or or vitamins I use, so here you go.... 
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