
 Well here we are guys, Day 1. 
 I woke up ready to roll today. After getting everyone ready for the day;
 it was GO TIME! 

I had Nick write me a workout for the day (accountability factor...we all need it!) grabbed my water, towel and off I went...after a 10 minuet search for my lost keys. :)

Here is today's workout:

My workout below consisted of  super-sets, executing all 3 workouts in each block with no rest in between, you will take a 1 minuet rest between rotations. You will do 3 rotations for each block of exercises.  Finished with a cool down and stretching.

These are my favorite, because my heart rate stays up and it is less time in the gym.... busy day ahead!

 Step mill or elliptical to warm up, 5-8 min

10 seated rows
10 burpees
10 push-ups

10 dumbbell dead lifts
10 single hip bridges per leg
5 single leg, straight leg dead lift per leg

10 tricep rope push downs
10 air squats
10 dumbbell curls

FOOD TIME!!! Yum... Today started out well... Breakfast and afternoon snack was great!  Yes, I did by pass lunch. My water intake was high and tonight I will make it a point to have a great dinner.  
Summery for Day 1:  I am proud of myself for getting my butt to the gym and tomorrow I will be better with my eating. I did get the web site done (hope to launch tonight) and our twitter account set up @THIStotheRescue, so the day was very productive.  
Tonight we are all in for a special treat, we have a few Christmas Pageants to go to! 

Remember.....Everyday is a new day... a chance for a better day and it is all a work in progress! 

T.H.I.S is just 'my' beginning! 
See you tomorrow!

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    This is just raw and simple. Join me on this journey. 


    December 2013

    Products I Use.
    People ask me what supplements or or vitamins I use, so here you go.... 
    You can find my secret HERE.