 Day 2!!.... 

Good Evening all! I hope everyone had a fantastic Friday the 13th!

To pick up from where we left off yesterday... Sadly I can not say I full filled my intention of having a good dinner.  By the time the Christmas Pageants where over it was late and we were starving. I did my best for where we went.  I had 1 1/2 veggie tacos on whole wheat.  Not ideal, but I did not beat myself up for it either.  So lets focus on this brand new day! :)

We woke extra early today because my son who is an avid baseball player since 7 years old, 14 now has decided he wants to go out for track... a whole other animal.... baseball players... sprint short distances... they do not run for time. But his coach wants him... so here we go. 
5:30 wake up call!  I have to say watching them work out this morning while I did my daily routine I was a little jealous and I could not wait to get to the gym! .... Gosh I miss this feeling and I am so thankful to have it back!   Once everyone was out the door and on their way, I headed off to the gym.  

I will not lie I was not looking forward to the work out ahead of me, as I wrote it from Nicks dictation my arms where already burning. 

Today's Workout:
Again, these are super-sets. Each block is a rotation. No rest between exercises, but a 1 min. rest at the end of the last exercises in each block. Do each block 3 times. 

Stationary Bike 10 min. 

20 pikes with ball explanation here
20 mountain climbers
20 flutter kicks
10 push ups

10 assisted pull-ups
1 min plank
30 crunches with knees raised 
10 dips

10 single leg dumbbell shoulder press here
10 bicep curl                                                                                                               Post Workout Selfie, because everyone needs one! 
10 alternating one hand snatch
20 sumo squats

When I was done with this workout I could not even wash my hands without shaking.  This may sound strange, but I LOVE that feeling. The feeling of pushing my body to the limit and then just a little further.

FOOD TIME!!.... :)
Today was a better day than yesterday. Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack check....  : )  

Today's lunch was a treat!  A close girlfriend of mine that I had not seen in a while invited me to this great little place called Weezie's GF (Gluten Free) Kitchen.  I had a yummy chicken & apple salad sandwich on GF bread.  
As we were checking out I learned that she offers cheese making classes, I will definitely be back for that, and that she makes her gourmet goat cheeses from raw goat milk!  Melanie gifted me a walnut and cranberry one.  I can not wait to try it! ... Dinner, well I am still working on that. 
Summary of Day 2:  I am very proud of my son for taking the steps he needs to in order to accomplish his goals.  I can not express how important it is to instill value and self worth in our children.  We see as adults how difficult it is to undo bad habits.  What if we were raised different?   what if we understood food and primary foods as we grew up?  It is our responsibility as parents to guide our children, to help them be the best that they can be! 

I have to say, even though I am only on day two of getting back in the grove I am remembering this feeling like it was yesterday and I do miss it.  I can not believe I allowed LIFE to get in the way of what makes me so happy and gives me such a natural high.  No looking back now. 

Tomorrow is Saturday, and as we enter the weekend I want to remind you that no matter what happens in our work week, there are people at home or friends that value you and the time you spend with them.  So please do you best to put down the cell phones and remote/ game controls.  Focus on what life is truly about. The smiles, laughter and silliness, the joy around you. The time that is really important. 

**You can pause that game forever, comeback to it and nothing changed.  You can't pause your life. 

Lots of Joy this weekend....

**Weesie's GF Kitchen is located at 1859 W Oakland Park Blvd, Ft Lauderdale , Fl 33331

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    December 2013

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