I am happy that this day landed on a Saturday, we are big believers of balancing primary foods.  Some examples of primary foods are Family, Spirituality and Relationships.  We often forget that these are just as important as eating right and exercising.  On this particular day we were having some family over to decorate the Christmas tree, so there was a lot to do. 

We were still up at 5:45… eak! However we accomplished so much before the rest of the world woke up.  Nick was able to get his workout in while I worked on our new business cards, which I love.  
 As I was answering emails he came to me and said: “Baby, we need to go grocery shopping.” I thought to myself, ‘of course we do, because my time management sucks and I’m working on that’ 

 It was beautiful morning, so we decided to take the Vespa. Before leaving the house, we did discuss if we were able to bring back everything we needed to. “of, course we can!”  …. I wish you could see everything in this photo. It was a little challenge but we did it, I felt like we were riding a pack mule.

By the time we got home the kido was up and the day was in full effect!  He actually greeted us with his own rendition of ‘Santa Baby’ which was hysterical. 

I loved having the music playing, while the boys got the cleaning done…in their own way, as I was cooking and prepping in the kitchen.
By 4:00 the house was abuzz with little voices and laughter,  we enjoyed good food and fun stories.  The Christmas tree was decorated and memories were made.

We have to remember that it is very important to nourish your soul just as you nourish your body.  So take some time this Holiday Season to do something special. Think of a new tradition, visit friends you haven't seen in a while, or call a family member you fell out of touch with.  What ever you decide to do, remember the feeling of bringing a smile to some one and carry that momentum throughout the year, not just the 31 days in December. 

Have a Blessed Night From Us to You!
~Ash n Nick

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    December 2013

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