This weekend was the first that everyone was back together again, and I loved it.  There is something to be said for a house full silliness and time spent with family and friends.

It was full of cooking, celebrating and heartache (football… nothing crazy)

Friday Neiko and I spent some quality time wondering the beach.  It was wicked cold and a windy as all get out, but we enjoyed taking photos and being silly…. Memories made on a Friday afternoon = perfect day!
I was trying to photobomb a seagull! :)

Friday Dinner:  Stuffed Peppers!!

Organic Turkey Sausage taken out of the casing and browned.

1 yellow onion

1 large tomato

3 peppers , the tops diced and added to onions and tomatoes

1 cup brown long grain rice and flax seed

This was the beginning of Saturday Morning.   All I could do was laugh!  Let’s just say that the kitchen is very clean now and had a beautiful aroma of Kimbo Coffee. (could be worse)
you can't see it here, but the floors and walls got hit as well. :(

Once we finished cleaning up it was time to hit the garage for a weekend work-out!

Saturday morning workout:

Warm Up:
With Stability ball under heals:
15 hip raises
15 leg curls (hips off floor, pull your knees in, rolling ball to your butt)
1 min plank

8 each leg, lateral squat
30 mountain climbers
15 sumo squats with 30lb weight

10 squat press w/10lb weights
10 each side thread the needle.  (side plank, arm in the air, twist bringing arm through between your body and floor.
3 x’s

We had a great evening with friends watching the games ….but sadly the Eagles lost, sorry amore!  


Sunday we learned that our lot likes to flood. L  we had so much rain it was insane!  So what is one to do on a rainy day??  Play in the kitchen of course!   

It was Nick’s parents 45th Anniversary on Saturday so we whipped up some yummy cheesecake toppings and the kids made some anniversary signs.  

I never realized how pretty blackberries are inside. 

The Strawberries, Blackberries and Pineapple were boiled down in their natural juices, no water added. 

Spending time with everyone and watching some football was the perfect ending to the weekend.

I hope everyone has a beautiful day and is enjoying the New Year so far!  I know that we are! 


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    December 2013

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