 We are ready to go with operation “Our Life 2014!”  

I hope that you are all taking part in this as well. 
I am already excited at the thought of going back and reading them 2015! 

Remember as you enter into this New Year the greatest gift you can give is appreciation.  

When you show appreciation towards a loved one, a friend, your child’s teacher, even the girl at the coffee shop, that gift will carry them through the rest of the day.  

The smile that you will receive will carry you.


Take moments in your day for random acts of kindness.  Give a compliment, hold a door, purchase the coffee for the guy behind you in line, send a text to your loved one with a special message. 

Show support and encouragement to those around you.  A simple smile will change the course of someone’s day. 


Respect each other.  We all have our own story, and no one will ever know all of it, but if you take time and listen and really pay attention you will hear most of it.  

Give your undivided attention to those around you, the text will not go away, the call can be returned and trust me the game can be saved.  Respect and attention build foundation.


The element of Surprise!

Do something ‘Just Because its Tuesday!’   Mix it up, don’t save the flowers, champagne or staycation for a special event… do it ‘Just Because!’  

LOVE  & BE KIND To One Another....  
HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2014....
**  Here is the rundown of the day! :)
First off... Nick is Home Yipppppie! 

Breakfast:  Oatmeal, cranberries and almonds. (took a photo today!)

Snack: Spinach, Kale, Blueberry, Almonds, Chia Seeds, Turmeric & Cinnamon

Lunch:  yahhhh ( still just Sparked it).. with a side of starfruit!   

Dinner:  Pear, Bacon & Gorgonzola Salad with Walnut and Almond Crusted, Baked Chicken.   (in the process of making so no pic.
Workout was a quick one today, only 15 min. But at least I got my sneaks on!

30 sec Upper Body Twist

30 sec Lateral Squat

2 rounds at 30 sec a round, Skater Squats

2 rounds at 30 sec a round, Push-Ups

2 rounds at 30 sec a round, One Arm Dumbbell Swing

2 rounds at 30 sec a round, Dumbbell Reverse Lunge (step backwards)

2 rounds at 30 sec a round, Oblique Crunch

2 rounds at 30 sec a round, Full Sit-up with Legs Bent, Feet on the Floor

2 rounds at 30 sec a round, Alternating Heel Touches (crunches)

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    This is just raw and simple. Join me on this journey. 


    December 2013

    Products I Use.
    People ask me what supplements or or vitamins I use, so here you go.... 
    You can find my secret HERE.