We are now 2 weeks into 2014 ~ How are your New Years Resolutions Coming? ~

I am so happy with the way the year is starting out.  I have overcome obstacles and conquered fears… along with watching dreams become reality.
 As you know, becoming the person you want to be is a journey, every goal you set for yourself is another chapter.  

I set a goal to have you help me become more accountable with taking care of myself.  Learning to slow down and enjoy life, take care of myself by eating better (all the time) and getting back to the gym. I cannot thank you enough for helping me.  But like with everything else, goals and challenges change. 

I am also happy to say that T.H.I.S keeps gaining momentum and with that I need to do a little restructuring.  As you know I try to write everyday… that turned in every other.  I am now at the point where I really feel that twice a week will be good.  Although the posts will be farther apart, they will have more information. :)

Thank You so much for all of your support!


Now that I have the discipline of going back to the gym or garage, I am off to conquer yet another goal….. My LEGS!  

I have had issues with my legs as long as I can remember.  It is the one part of my body that I ‘feel’ I have never been happy with.  And that IS GOING TO CHANGE starting this week!

They have always (for the most part) been skinny, but never lean nor toned.  For some reason I have always concentrated on my mid to upper body…maybe it’s the wonderful feeling of not being able to walk after. ;)  …. Like today!

So here it is… Legs Heavy 2 days of the week with recovery and upper body the others.  This also means I have to up my protein intake.  

Monday I had what I thought was going to be enough, only to experience a starving feeling all day.  Because I was eating borderline for so long, (so I learned) once I taxed my body with a heavy workout, even though I was eating almost double of my normal, it still was not enough. 

My workouts before were more conditioning and general fitness and now I am switching to more muscle growth.  We figured that I will now need about 74grams of protein a day on heavy days and 71 on conditions days. 

I am posting a couple of photos that are incredibly hard for me to put out there…. But I have to...

...As I remind myself of the 4/8/12 rule.

It take 4 weeks for you to see change

8 weeks for your friends and family

12 weeks for the rest of the world….

So here goes week 1 ! 

My beginning weight 118 at 24% bodyfat…  Eak.


Warm up 5-8 min…. I did the stair mill

Leg Press 5 sets of 10 
*1st set 50lb
*2 & 3rd set 70lb
*4 & 5th set 90lb

Sumo Squats 5 sets of 20
*4 sets with 25lb dumbbell held with both hands between legs
*1 set with 20lb

Straight Leg (Single Leg) Dead Lift 5 sets of 10 Each Leg
*3 sets 10lb dumbbells
*2 sets with 30lb ….I switched to regular dead lifts , I was going to fall over. 

3 sets per leg of Lunge around the clock

Tuesday WORKOUT:

Woowza, wicked sore today… I LOVE IT!

I did not get a workout in tonight because we had our first dance lesson, I have to say we are naturals! Haha

Once I got home it was 7pm, had dinner and got ready for our 9pm class….normally this day would be an active recovery day.

Bike ride



Wednesday WORKOUT:

Warm-up 5-8 min… stair mill ( I love this thing!)

3 sets of 10 push-ups (30-60 rest in-between)

3 sets of 10 smith machine bench press
*1set with 5lb plate on each side
*2 sets with 25lb total weight

3 sets of 10 standing shoulder dumbbell press (60 sec rest in-between)
*10lb dumbbells

3 sets of 10 tricep pushdowns at 20lbs
3 sets of 10 ball pikes
3 sets of 10 suicide plank

3 sets of 30 mountain climbers

but are taking Foooooorever to Upload... 
I will have them up by Friday! 

I am also incorporating  (hyperlinks are attached to the products)

Protein Shakes

Nighttime Recovery



Thank you so much for all of your support and let’s get ready to BUILD those LEGS!! 

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    This is just raw and simple. Join me on this journey. 


    December 2013

    Products I Use.
    People ask me what supplements or or vitamins I use, so here you go.... 
    You can find my secret HERE.