I am happy to say that the house has been cleaned up from all of the Christmas festivities and some sort of normalcy has been put into order, including my exercise and eating habits!
So he we go folks, we are just jumping in… 

Breakfast:  Oatmeal with cranberries and almonds

Snack: Peanut butter , apples and almonds   (good gosh, I promise I will get better with my picture taking!)

 Lunch:  (I was in full blown cleaning mode, honestly had a Spark and kept going)

Dinner: Chicken, broccoli and some potatoes. Yummm

I know not the best day.... however it was not filled with cookies, so it's a great start!

While my energy was high I jumped into my sneaks and worked out at home.

All I have to say is...Eak… the week off that I took, wreaked havoc on me.  

I started slow with this workout just to get my heart pumping … and my body had the pleasure of reminding me what a week off can do.  But I made it through! 
It is actually a great one to keep handy for times that you can’t get to the gym or you’re traveling.  When I used to travel, I always took my body Bands with me; such a life saver!  They will work perfect with this routine. 

**the 3 minutes reads: 
10 push-ups / rest
15 tricep dips / rest
repeat for 3 min. 

**the 4 minutes reads:
1 min lunges or walking lunges
1 min mountain climbers
repeat 4 times

I want to end this with a post from FB today.  

I believe that it is VERY important to be thankful for your blessings, they remind you of all the good in your life, even when things seem a little dark so.  I would like to add... Please do not get rid of the jars when the year is over... keep them, take them off the shelf once in awhile and count ALL of the love and goodness that surrounded you! 

Here is the post:

Good Morning! I have been seeing this around FB, as I'm sure you have too. & I LOVE IT!

We work a lot with 'primary foods', and being Thankful and feeling Blessed are a big part of our health. 

I think that as the year goes on we lose sight of what was Amazing and Wonderful... What events and mild stones, contributed to our happiness. 

So to have a little reminder of all the good... Is Perfect! 

Your homework assignment today... Find a jar, post its and a special pen to mark the moments of 2014!!!


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    This is just raw and simple. Join me on this journey. 


    December 2013

    Products I Use.
    People ask me what supplements or or vitamins I use, so here you go.... 
    You can find my secret HERE.