Lesson learned!....AGAIN. 

If you do not take care of yourself and slow down when your body tells you to, it will shut down for you. 


Not only was I not feeling well, but I had a HUGE bought of GUILT over my head for not writing... & I missed it so much!

 Yesterday was my first day back doing any sort of exercise in 3 weeks!! And what better way than Running a 5K?!... honestly, it was just what I needed. 

I kept saying to Nick, I feel great, this is the best I have felt in a long time. My time was not the greatest, 33:56 (33 something) but I finished and that is what counts.  

 Since I was not feeling the best, I lost momentum on “Operation Legs”, but that is ok…I will just begin again, stronger and healthier. 

One of the lessons I learned was that not only burning the candle at both ends will slow you down fast, but so will living in the past.   

I know this is a known fact, but sometimes it is difficult. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try it continues to creep in. You shake your head and tell yourself “don’t be silly”. “this no longer effects you.” Or “let it go”.  But you can’t. 

                                       It weighs on you. 

The trick is ‘Don’t OWN it!’  Do Not attach yourself to the feelings, especially if they do not have any bearing on your present. On YOUR LIFE NOW. 

Your life is way too precious to give into past thoughts and situations. Live in the Now and re-focus the energy that you are putting into your past into your future… you will be amazed on what will be accomplished, not to mention the endorphin rush of feeling accomplished.

For me, it was holding onto the security I had from my ‘Corporate J.O.B’ the comfort of knowing that I would be receiving ‘X’ amount of money a month, that my son and I had 100% medical, dental and vision. That I could go on vacation and not miss a paycheck.

Constantly thinking about these things caused me to lose focus on what I WAS doing and what I WAS receiving.  I am doing what I love; I am doing what I have always wanted to do.  Yes there is a trade off; but it is one that I know will level out soon.

We have been blessed with WONDERFUL clients and the ability to do what we are meant to do.  And that is what is important.  Like anyone else that has built a business, I too have growing pains. It just means that I will become Stronger and Better at what I do.  It’s because of my life lessons that I am able to help others reach their goals!

I was telling Nick the other day, every goal we have set, we have achieved, so I know that we will continue to do so. I just needed to get through it and find the ability to refocus.  I have Nick, Neiko and my closest and dearest friends to thank.  Sometimes you just need to hear yourself say things for them to click. 
So with that said, I have reset my intentions, I gave thanks for all I have, and counted the blessings that I was given.


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    December 2013

    Products I Use.
    People ask me what supplements or or vitamins I use, so here you go.... 
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