I hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year Celebration.  I made it long enough to ring in with Dubai, Moscow, and Australia…. And then hit the sack.  (I know pathetic. Lol)
Nick and I had a nice slow morning waking up, we had scrambled eggs, mushrooms and caramelized onions with protein bread and hummus. 
    After we hit the beach for a little run…. That turned into 2 miles worth of interval running.  From the second that my feet hit the pavement I started to cramp, but I pushed through and with a little mind over matter and refocusing I was able to keep going. 

 We used to run the beach all the time and it was cake!  When we were on the last leg of the run, I told Nick that this needs to become a part of our life again…. And then I wanted to die!  (you can see it in my face... :(  )

 My driving thought was; “I used to be better than this.”  

I know I can surpass my best as well, with a little discipline and determination.  

So one of my goals is to continue my beach pace with always improving.. and then going just that much further. 


We had a pretty full day visiting some family and friends.  Pia made a wonderful turkey and bean chili packed with veggies and avocados!  Thank you Pia!!!  

And dinner was amazing!  Nicks mom made spinach, prosciutto and mozzarella stuffed turkey with sweet potatoes, cabbage slaw and salad!....

 We ate like Kings and Queens today!

It was a perfect day… and way better way than to end it with a little song and dance. 
(Neiko busted us being silly in the car...lol)
If it does not play right away, move the start point just a little. :) 
It is only 8:30 and I am spent.  It’s time to make note of something I am thankful for to put in the jar and then I am off to bed!

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!



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    December 2013

    Products I Use.
    People ask me what supplements or or vitamins I use, so here you go.... 
    You can find my secret HERE.