Hi Everyone!  I hope that your last few days where filled with so many blessings and memories that they will carry you through to next year!

We kept ourselves busy with visiting family and friends, the days were filled with so much laughter and a few tears as we made our rounds.  

We did a lot of things different this year and I am so happy that we did.  

Nick and I agreed no presents for adults and to just focus on the kids. I really welcomed this idea since we have accomplished so much for and with each other the past 12 months that we are blessed enough.  

With that said, Neiko made it a point to come to each of us separately and told us that he wants to get each of us something.  

So the night before Nick left we had a mini Christmas celebration, orchestrated by Neiko.  I am so happy that he did this, mainly because it gives him so much joy.  

Watching him light up as he does for others just makes my heart swell…. And that is what it is about, the joy of the children and doing for others. 

( I wish I took photos... I really need to get better at that)

Althought, I did take one... Liquid Gold. :)  lol. 

 Truffel Oil is my favorite. 

The guys ran out right before bed and put it in my stocking. 
....insert happy girl dance here!

Something that was made very apparent in our dinner conversations, is that I am blessed with a child that does not require a lot of material things to make him happy. 

I have learned over the years that he is a lot like me, he just wants to be surrounded by people who love and adore him. 

Experiences make the memories. 
(he is getting too big!)
So that was the focus this year.... Souround yourself with LOVE!

First up... SANTACON 2013!! My best girlfriend, Laura and I put our Santa outfits on and hit the streets of Delray!

If you have not done this, I recommend doing it at least once!  Over 500 Santa’s, Elves and Trees whooping it up and kicking off the holiday Festivities!  It was hysterical to say the least and it was just what I needed to throw me into the spirit!

The next few days where filled with wrapping presents, making appetizers and a few gifts.  I had made some Sleepy Dust and Coconut Body Scrubs. (recipes below) … I became addicted to the scrub that I ended up making two different kinds for myself as well. 

Christmas Eve is always at my Dads, my Step-mom makes a million different cookies, and yes we try all of them 5x’s over…. And this is where I begin to fall off the healthy wagon!   We had a great time catching up and having wrapping paper fights followed by more cookies!!

Hi My Name is Ashlie, and I overindulged this Christmas Season… way toooooo much!  (but we will come back to that!)
Sleepy Suzi in the corner... I think she got into the Sleepy Dust!

Next stop…. The Duggers! 
One of the things I miss most is Christmas mornings; 
waking up surrounded by family and little kids.  
“The Magic of Christmas Morning.”  

We arrived there late, around 9, made a couple of “Santa Night Caps” and waited for the little one to fall asleep while watching ‘Home Alone’ . Once the presents where under the tree we headed off to bed.

Santa Night Cap:  Frozen Coffee, Bailys and Vanilla Vodka.

8:15am and everyone is still sleeping!! Wake – up Santa was here!!!

Finally!!......  ahhhhhh Love, Love, Love This!!!

One of the best presents…. The boys making Christmas Breakfast, Waffles and Bacon!! 

I wonder if they realize that they will be doing this from now on?


(don’t judge, I already admitted to being bad…and I added raspberries, I think that counts!)

 Next up…. Lauras!

This was great.. Laura and I have been BF for about 21 years, so you can imagine all the stories.  

It was so nice to see her mom and sister as well.  When I opened the door the look on her sisters’ face was priceless as she looked past me and saw Neiko. 

 “Is that one yours?”  I laughed, realizing the last time I saw her I was only 25.


Neiko caught up with some girls that he had not seen in about 5 years. 

It was another successful night filled with great food, laughter and stories.


Sophie even got in on the action! 

I have to say, even though a big piece of who we are was missing, I think that making appoint of surrounding ourselves with people who love us made all the difference in the world…. And it is not over yet.  Today we are off to see Nicks family to deliver more gifts and love.

A lot of new tradition began this year, and with them some of my old feelings have gone away.  Things that I have been carrying for years, since childhood are beginning to heal.  

When I look at what is so different this year than years past, one thing rings so loud.

I chose for it to be different.  

I made a conscious effort to change certain things. I manifested things that where important to me, I enjoyed them and gave thanks for them when they showed up. 

It is not the gifts or how much money is spent, but the true meaning of 'family' and that does not only mean through blood, but who is held in your heart.  

This time of year you should be surrounded by those who mean the most to you. The people who you carry in your heart.

Even if you can't be with all of them, find a way to let them know how special they are and what they bring to your life.

Blessings ~


Source: http://butterbeliever.com/how-to-fall-back-asleep/

Why you’re waking upThere’s a reason why your eyes snap open at 3 am—you’re stressed! I mean literally, you’re having a biochemical reaction to excessive amounts of stress hormones floating throughout your poor body that’s trying to sleep.

In a healthy body with a healthy metabolism, hormone levels cycle moderately through highs and lows throughout the 24 hour cycle—what’s known as your circadian rhythms. When you have a stressed metabolism, natural peaks of stress hormone levels spike to abnormal highs, initiating a stress response. When this happens at night, it seriously disrupts sleep patterns, and often causes you to wake up—often leaving you so wired up that you’re unable to fall back asleep.

What’s the solution? Believe it or not, something as simple as a hit of sugar and salt can send those stress hormones packing, and get you back on track to a better night’s sleep.

  • 5 Tablespoons organic cane sugar (I like this kind as it’s not bleached or heavily refined, and is fair-trade)
  • 1 Tablespoon sucanat/rapadura (this is completely unrefined sugar cane juice, with all minerals intact)
  • 2 teaspoons real sea salt

****Keep the jar bedside. and when you wake in the middle of the night, just put a little under your tongue and drift back to sleep. 


This can be used with either sugar or salt. Just mix the Coconut Oil with your choice. 
I made one with Himalayan Pink Salt and Sea Salt, I added some fresh lemon zest, ginger and a little peperment oil.

The other one I mixed with Organic white and brown sugars.

Both of these are wonderful.  if you use them in the shower make sure you clean the floor before the next person gets in so they do not slip. 


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    December 2013

    Products I Use.
    People ask me what supplements or or vitamins I use, so here you go.... 
    You can find my secret HERE.