 Hi everyone, I am sorry that I have been MIA this week.  It has been packed full of great events!! Here are just a few and more on the way…

Tuesday I was invited to speak to a group of ladies about AdvoCare and Health Coaching. 

It was a lot of fun and something I had not done before.  When I was first asked, I was under the impression that there was going to be a lot of speakers, like a health fair.  So I found comfort in numbers….  Until I got there.  Myself and one other lady were the only speakers!!  EAK… insert heart bounding here!  

Public speaking is a fear of mine that I NO LONGER HAVE!!!  I was charged up and enjoyed it so much, and I guess my nervousness did not show through (too much) since I was asked back again in a few months.

Something that helped;  I had people in the room that I knew believed in me. Nick, his Mom and our dear friend Sony, who introduced me to the group.  THANK YOU all!! ….(and I pulled Nick up to talk at the end. Lol, everyone needs a safety net at first)

Something else great that happened ( I received word this morning)  A piece I wrote was accepted into a magazine!!!  I will come back with more on that when I can, but I had to share the great news with you. 

One last thing this week that I always wanted to do… go back to dancing.  

I love it so much and miss it even more, to the point when I hear a song on the radio; I already have it choreographed in my head.  Lol.  So with a smile and bat of my eyes Nick agreed to go with me.  

I cannot tell you how excited I am.  Both of our lives are Go, Go, Go that this will give us time to just be US!  And that is so important in a relationship… enjoying laughter and memories!.  (pictures to come on this one… I promise!)
I am so excited to see what the rest of 2014 brings!  So far its only the 9th and I am experiencing some great game changers!

Are you?  Are you seeing your dreams and desires and prayers coming true?  Do you need help with manifesting where you want your life to take you?

We can help you.  Remember, you can reach out any time for a FREE HEALTH HISTORY and we can talk about helping you become the person you know you can be!


Sorry, not a lot of food picks so far this week, sadly I have been running around so much that I have lived on almonds and fruit, with a few Meal Replacement Shakes.
 Workout: I used 10lb weights

10 per leg lateral step ups
10 per leg  reverse lunge
5 push ups
20 crunches
Repeat 3 x’s 1 min rest in between

 15 per arm, one arm dumbbell row
15 per arm, one arm chest press
15 / 30lbs sumo squat
Repeat 3 x’s 1 min rest in between
Rest 5 min ( if you need)

5 x5 ( 5 sets of 5) dead lift with 30lbs dumbbells




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    This is just raw and simple. Join me on this journey. 


    December 2013

    Products I Use.
    People ask me what supplements or or vitamins I use, so here you go.... 
    You can find my secret HERE.