Your life is beautiful and unique, it is meant to be shared and cherished.

You deserve to be looked at in such a way that the world stops.

I know life; love is not always sunshine and roses, but it can be filled with love and admiration.

Being a space holder in someone’s life is just about the worst feeling in the world.

Never allow yourself to be anybody’s second best. And, more important, never use anyone as such.

Do not monopolize someone else’s precious time on this Earth for your own selfish reasons.

If you have the feeling of, “ I might as well” or “I can grow to love them” or you sing that song...”you can’t love the one you want, so love the one your with”
or anything along those lines….STOP.

Relationships are not just about you. They are also about the one you are with. When you look at them, they are your life;
there is no other that holds that space in your heart, you want only the best for them, supporting their dreams and desires,
proud to let the world know that they are with you, and you with them... that nothing can stop the two of you....
this is where you are truly supposed to be.

If you do not feel that way about them, look at why.

What are you missing? What is not being fulfilled?
Are you having them there as a ‘space saver’, not wanting to be alone, or are they the best ‘candidate for the job’?
If these are the answers, look deep inside. Is this the person you want to be with? And if so, talk with them, become closer to them,
and work through your emotions and feelings together. Become stronger.

Being honest with someone is sometimes the hardest thing to do, especially if you care for them. But living a life that you do not want is even harder.
Trust me, the time it takes to get over being hurt or healing from a conversation is nothing compared to living a life that is not being lived for you.

This is about strength.
The strength let go of the past…or, the strength to walk away…
The strength to let them go..or, the strength to open up and be honest….

Committed Relationships (marriage or other) and being a Parent are two of the most selfless acts you will perform.
Neither one is solely about you. They are about nourishing and loving another.
It is a gift, a blessing and an honor… none of which are to be abused.

I am not saying you have to be alone in life, but I am encouraging you to allow yourself the time it takes to accept
that life has moved on and although that book has ended….

You have an Amazing one ahead of you, IF you can shelf the past one; and compose a beautiful new one, that is what it is about.

But, if you can’t bear to do so, allow someone else to, because that person who is not your everything, the one that is by your side….
Could be someone else’s… and for them, there is an entire book to be written.

…and allow yourself time to heal and reflect.


Ash <3  <3

[email protected]


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    December 2013

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