I was taught a wonderful lesson in patience today. How you ask?  By spending my entire morning at the DMV!! :)
But before we get, let me share my breakfast on the go with you! 8 oz of water, almonds, blueberries, spinach, chia seeds, turmeric and cinnamon. YUMMMY.
Ok, back to my beautiful morning... 
Let me tell you right now, If you do not have your REAL ID from the DMV, they do not budge on the ‘required documents’.  Nick and I got there early enough the 1st line was not too bad, but we learned that when they say bring Passport or Birth Certificate, it is just that. It does not matter that you have a state issued DL or any other proof of government ID that requires an extensive back ground check… nope!  BC or Passport.  That was the first whammy… Nick headed out and I stayed to battle, only to discover that a letter from the IRS with my SS# is not acceptable it must be your SS card, W-2 or 1099. So needless to say I hightailed my butt home, grabbed the correct docs and headed back to the DMV… this time not only did I have the right papers… but I also remembered how I was not prepared yesterday and remembered today!  … See lesson learned. 

When I presented the nice man with my documents this time he said, “Great, your hour and 15 min wait time starts now, have a seat.”  I smiled, took my number and snack and had a seat: for an hour and a half.  But that was ok.  I banged out a Newsletter draft, followed up with clients and answered some e-mails while I waited.  
 “Now serving E185 at station 12”  Woop Woop that is me!  
All excited I pop over to the counter and hand my documents to realize the lady on the other side is in training… that’s fine.  I answer her question, do my eye test and get ready for my picture. No warning, 3 flashes go off and she said in a sweat voice, “hmmm, I think this will work” . Meanwhile the stall next to me has processed 3 people already.  I smiled, jokingly said “I did not get a warning.”  She laughed… I cannot wait to see this photo.  

So after what felt like forever, I receive my DL.  Ok not so bad, considering my last photo I was 27, this one at least looks like me.  It is now 12:45 and I am ready to go!  Heck I have not even gone to the gym yet!

 Just when I was feeling restless, she thanked me for being patient and understanding while she trained.  How could I not tell her that she really did do a great job and that she made the process a little more tolerable.

Her comments to me alone made my stress of wanting to get out of there go away.   It was a nice reminder to always be kind to one another.  Because even though you may be frustrated on the inside you never know who will be thankful for the actions you display on the outside.

By the time I got home and had lunch (healthy salad and fruit) I did not have the motivation to go to the gym, until I received this text from Nick:  


"If I said No what would my punishment be?"

"Double down + sprints"

"Shit.... leaving in 5 min :)"

"copy that"

And there my friends was the motivation I needed for today’s workout :

You know the drill on Super-sets:

StairMaster 8 min warm up.

10 Alternating lateral squats each leg
10 push-ups
10 stability ball pikes
30 sec each side plank

10 assist pull-ups
10 low cable pulley rows
10 burpees

10 forward / back lunges per leg
20 crunches on ball
20 decline Russian twists
Tomorrow is a brand new day... I wonder what it will hold? 

Sweet Dreams and Good Morning, I have a pillow calling my name! 


P.S.... I do want to acknowledge my kido for continuing to get up before the birds to train.  I am very proud of him for taking his goals seriously.  :)

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    December 2013

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