WOWZA!!!  Seriously what a week.   I found these two pictures today that pretty much sum it up.  

However, I could not be happier with all that was accomplished.  Even though I was un able to get some of my work outs in and the ‘me’ time was very limited, I did have some wonderful client calls and people excited about the changes that they are seeing… and that is what it is all about! 

I cannot tell you how much that fills my heart; to know that T.H.I.S is changing lives.  True Health Integrative Systems has been a dream turned goal turned reality.  I LOVE IT!.

Please if you have not done so already check out our new YOUTUBE Channel. 

Today is another crazy day…. I really enjoy this time of year, even though it is crazy doing things for others always fills my heart.  This morning is a simple one.  Neiko ask if I could drive him to school today… I think I will take him on that beautiful back road I found the other day. 
Here is today’s workout! It’s a good one so fuel up!

8 min cardio warmup

Superset 5 burpies / 10 back extensions  …2 rounds

Deadlift 5 x5 (5 sets of 5)

Push-ups 5 x 10

Superset 5 x 5 pull-ups / 5 x 5 lateral squat, each leg…3 rounds

10 pike / 20 ball crunches

20 mountain climbers / 10 bench hops  (hands on bench, hop side to side of bench, getting your hips high)

10 min sun salutation

Good Luck today guys!  I’m off to get the kido to school and hitting the gym! 

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    This is just raw and simple. Join me on this journey. 


    December 2013

    Products I Use.
    People ask me what supplements or or vitamins I use, so here you go.... 
    You can find my secret HERE.