Hi Everyone!

I am going out on a limb and putting myself out there.  Just like everyone else, life brings me struggles. Back in September I left my comphie job in an industry that I knew for the last 20 years of my life, in order to peruse my passion. Helping people. So needless to say I was so excited to make the change… to leave a j.o.b and enter into a career that I have wanted for the longest time. 

Sounds perfect right?  Not so much, here is where it gets ugly!

I had structure for my entire life… I had a place to be every day. There was no question. From 5am to 8pm my day was planned.  I got up, showered, packed lunches, kissed the family and out the door I went…. To an office, where I would stay for the next 9 hours (leaving for lunch if I was lucky), then back in my car, get home, kiss the family, cook dinner, clean, work out, and go to bed. Only to wake and do it all over again! 

As I would sit at my desk I would fantasize about working from home… this is what my day would look like: Wake up to the birds singing, make a nice breakfast for everyone, pack lunches, kiss them good bye as they walked out the door, answer my emails, go to the gym around 10(because I could now go whenever I wanted to) have an amazing workout, come home shower, make a very nutritious lunch, and get back to work, have some client calls, right a news letter or two. Then at about 5 start dinner so that when everyone got home it would be hot on the table waiting for them.  We would all eat together, spend some quality time and go to bed….. Ahhhhh the perfect day. 

HAHAHAHAH yah right! Not at all! 

I am stressed to the hill because I do not have structure!  The one thing I could not wait to get away from, is the one this I am missing!

I will not bore you with the details of my day now, but let’s just say that I’m still up before the birds and the days are so out of control with distractions from being home that taking a shower is unheard of until 4 pm some days.  Now don’t get me wrong, the distractions are still productive but I am losing sight of taking care of myself.

On a typical day by 3pm this is my thought process:

~Oh gosh the day is half gone.. gym? (honestly the garage is equipped, I just have to make it 20 feet from where I’m sitting).. I can’t I need to finish this email.

The kido will be home soon, ugh still need to grocery shop. Forget it I’ll figure out something.

4:30 Mom, im hungry! … I just realized I have not showered yet today… gross!

Quick Shower…. Toss together dinner while taking some other calls…turn over the laundry.

6pm… dinner is ready. Its only the kido and I, nick is training clients after work.

9pm  He is finally home, exhausted.  We are all off to bed.

NOT the way it is supposed to go!  So this is my solution… I am going to hold myself accountable by having over 200 people kick my ass.

I know what my problem is. Lack of structure.  I am like a fish out of water, everything I know is different.  I was taking better care of myself when I did not have time to do so.  My mindset was different. I knew I HAD to MAKE time to take care of me!  Now that I have been gifted time, I am abusing it, not intentionally.  I just need to learn how to restructure and manage it. ( as I sit here it is 3:30 and I still have not gone grocery shopping, taken a shower or worked out….bad! However I have been working all day on our web site)

So, here it is, my vow:  I, Ashlie  will no longer have the ability to slack off or make excuses.  I will find time to take care of myself!

Starting today, I will be re structuring my life, not allowing the stress of the day hold me hostage.  I will post my progress with photos, recipes and workouts. 

Please feel free to follow along, take whatever motivation you need, share thoughts and inspiration and above all, hold me accountable. :)

Thanks for taking the time to share in my life…. And allowing me into yours! 
~Coach Ash

12/13/2013 01:50:46 am

Very inspiring! I know you are going to do great.

12/13/2013 10:18:12 am

Thank you Ryan!! :)


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    This is just raw and simple. Join me on this journey. 


    December 2013

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