Monday the kido had off of school and it was gorgeous outside, so we took our drawing pad and writing skills to the intercostals.  

We spent the day drawing and writing in the sunshine. 

As we sat there in our creative state, I could not help but to stop and just watch him, so content and relaxed.  “do I ever look like that?” I thought.  “do I ever have that peaceful relaxed demeanor?”  

I asked myself this because, I do not feel I do, don’t get me wrong I do have the feeling of being peaceful, but do I look it?

 … my wheel are ‘ALWAYS’ turning. “What to write” “who to call” “when is my next client?” “ what’s for dinner” “what’s for lunch” “what was I doing???”  lol. 

Then I realized, I just may. … at that moment in time be just as relaxed. So I took count of what was around me and how I felt… 

1.my son was with me
2. it was the middle of the day on a Monday and I was working outside
3. the smell of salt water
4. the sun on my shoulders
5. my creative juices where flowing.

Once I did this I realized I have the ability to obtain that feeling of contentment anyplace. 

I also remembered a few years back when we were in Italy on top of Aragonese Castle, there was a moment that I felt myself just go.  My eyes shut, a weight lifted and my body did not feel my own. I was light and I disappeared.  

I know that may sound strange or funny, but at that moment I was so at peace that I allowed myself to go into a beautiful state of meditation. I will forever remember that moment, thanks to my son for reminding me that as long as you stay in tune with who you are, finding a moment of peace can be anyplace you choose. 

 Another beautiful thing happened this past week!  Do you remember me telling you something great was on the horizon?  

Well, this week I saw it come to life.   

 I have been blessed with the opportunity to write articles for Bombshell Magazine. http://bombshellmag.net/ it is an online magazine that focuses on the natural, raw beauty and ingrained power of women.   I have really enjoyed digging deep into my heart and watching my soul come alive ‘on paper’; there is something very therapeutic about it. 

I have been receiving such great feedback via email on the articles; I would like to ask you, if you are enjoying them, please take the time to leave a comment on them as well.  I am just so excited and can’t wait to see where it will lead me.

I am working everyday to assure I am the best person that I can be. And I cannot thank all of you enough for being with me on the journey.

Huge Hugs!

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    This is just raw and simple. Join me on this journey. 


    December 2013

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