​Wow!  I can’t believe it has been two years.  Please trust me when I say I have missed you all tremendously.  I always had in the back of my mind… “I have to write, I need to share”. 
Normally, in the past I would have beaten myself up over not staying consistent, but I have learned over the years that when life takes over that does not mean I am a bad person.  It means that I am a Mom, a significant other, a daughter, a coach, a friend, a puppy mama, a chauffer , a baseball mom, a supporter  of others and last but not least a self-reliant, strong, proud person! 
When life has a different plan for your day, your week, your month or even a year (or two).. THAT IS OKAY!!!!  
Roll with it, enjoy it and take pictures along the way! 

​With that being said…
A lot has happened since I last posted, THIS has turned 3 years old and growing steadily.  Thank You Everyone for all of your support and love! 

​Nick is now certified in ‘Defensive Firearm Safety’ and loving every moment of it. 
Watching him turn a passion into something that gives him pride to teach has been a joy to watch.  
For more information on private or group training, email Nick at [email protected]
[email protected]


​My son has become a Junior in High School and killing it on the baseball field.  He did his first Spartan Race with us in 40*
weather up in NC and kicked our butts!!!... So proud of him. Also, he spent part of this past summer hiking through upstate Washington and had a little detour to Canada.


​​We got a new puppy… meet N’Stuff!! 
Yes, Stuff for short, because she is all the good things after… Love n’stuff, dessert n’stuff,  family n’stuff…..  

​And Me… I became an Auntie!!!!  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!   One of my best girlfriends had another baby, so I am claiming him as well!
AND....  I have picked up a few more ways to help you get and stay healthy.  For a while I have been looking for products that can become “T.H.I.S. Approved!” and I have found them!!!!
As some of you may or may not know I have been a consultant for Advocare for almost 5 years now and have always enjoyed their products. .. and this is why:
At AdvoCare, We Build Champions® through physical and financial wellness. Backed by the latest science, AdvoCare provides innovative nutritional, weight-management and sports performance products.
Advocare has a full range of products for your little ones all the way to your grandparents.  For the athlete and for the crafty, soccer mom and dads!
www.advocare.com/121012492  or click the button below  :)

​Just recently I have picked up being a consultant for doTerra and perfectly Posh.  I chose these two companies as well for the following reasons:

Essential oils are both exciting and promising when it comes to taking care of your own and your family’s health. Whether you’re applying essential oils topically, enjoying the aromatic benefits through diffusing, or taking essential oils internally, the positive effects of essential oils are boundless.

That’s why you’ll want to ensure that the essential oils you are using are capable of delivering on their promise. You’ll want to make sure that you are choosing essential oils for their potency and their purity.

Yeah, Yeah I stole that right of the site, but it is true!  PURITY!! … did you know that you can cook with these oils?  That is right… they are not just for smelling good! 

** a tip from one of my dear friends…. Mix the limeade and cherry Spark from Advocare and add a few drops of the orange oil from doTerra and YUMMMMMMY!....  over 20 vitamins and minerals and added antioxidant form the oil…. Seriously, it was so good.

www.mydoterra.com/ashlie or click the button below  :)

 IS A PAMPERING BRAND for Men and Woman

If you love great products that are as fun as they are good for you then you’re going to love us.
We were founded on some very simple principles:
*We simply Pamper
*The Best Ingredients 
*Made in the USA
*You deserve it!
Yeah, stole that one too, but again.. perfect.

When a friend put Posh hand lotion on me, I was instantly hooked! I was not greasy, the fragrance was so soft and clean and the ingredients are GOOD for YOU! NO Parabens!! NO Sulfates!! NO Soy -Gluten!! NO Hydrogenated Tallow Acid NO Sodium Tallowate!!! (by the way is rendered animal fat...ewwwww).... What they DO put in it.. Aloe, Argon Oil, Apricot Kernel, Beeswax, Caffeine, Charcoal, Coco Seed Butter, Coconut Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Lavender, Peppermint, Sea Salt, Sunflower Seed Wax and Oil, Tea Tree Oil...... and that is just SOME!!! ...... Remember, what you put on your skin is just as important as what you put in your body, it only takes minutes for it to be absorbed into your system...POSH is "T.H.I.S. Approved!"

​www.perfectlyposh.com/ashlie/  ​or click the button below  :)


So as you can see we have been prettttty busy! 

But I am so excited about this next chapter in my life because it is allowing me to share so much more with you all.  Please keep a look out for FUN stuff like promotions, flash sales, contests and recipes… and whatever else I can pull out of my bag of tricks…
OH and please go and like my New “THIS Approved!” Facebook page.

​Much Love and Blessings..... ASH! xo

Your life is beautiful and unique, it is meant to be shared and cherished.

You deserve to be looked at in such a way that the world stops.

I know life; love is not always sunshine and roses, but it can be filled with love and admiration.

Being a space holder in someone’s life is just about the worst feeling in the world.

Never allow yourself to be anybody’s second best. And, more important, never use anyone as such.

Do not monopolize someone else’s precious time on this Earth for your own selfish reasons.

If you have the feeling of, “ I might as well” or “I can grow to love them” or you sing that song...”you can’t love the one you want, so love the one your with”
or anything along those lines….STOP.

Relationships are not just about you. They are also about the one you are with. When you look at them, they are your life;
there is no other that holds that space in your heart, you want only the best for them, supporting their dreams and desires,
proud to let the world know that they are with you, and you with them... that nothing can stop the two of you....
this is where you are truly supposed to be.

If you do not feel that way about them, look at why.

What are you missing? What is not being fulfilled?
Are you having them there as a ‘space saver’, not wanting to be alone, or are they the best ‘candidate for the job’?
If these are the answers, look deep inside. Is this the person you want to be with? And if so, talk with them, become closer to them,
and work through your emotions and feelings together. Become stronger.

Being honest with someone is sometimes the hardest thing to do, especially if you care for them. But living a life that you do not want is even harder.
Trust me, the time it takes to get over being hurt or healing from a conversation is nothing compared to living a life that is not being lived for you.

This is about strength.
The strength let go of the past…or, the strength to walk away…
The strength to let them go..or, the strength to open up and be honest….

Committed Relationships (marriage or other) and being a Parent are two of the most selfless acts you will perform.
Neither one is solely about you. They are about nourishing and loving another.
It is a gift, a blessing and an honor… none of which are to be abused.

I am not saying you have to be alone in life, but I am encouraging you to allow yourself the time it takes to accept
that life has moved on and although that book has ended….

You have an Amazing one ahead of you, IF you can shelf the past one; and compose a beautiful new one, that is what it is about.

But, if you can’t bear to do so, allow someone else to, because that person who is not your everything, the one that is by your side….
Could be someone else’s… and for them, there is an entire book to be written.

…and allow yourself time to heal and reflect.


Ash <3  <3

[email protected]


Picturephoto credit:N.Megrichian
 Discovering who you are is a wonderful, scary, I got this, what the hell am I thinking, beautiful, wtf?, ‘ahhh haaaa’ moment… kinda process.

I have gone through this process throughout my 40 years many times and each time it is the same.

It is never a straight line; it is always all over the place... But that is what makes it so exciting!

Think of a "screw it, I'm doing it anyway" moment in life.   Was it the outcome of your action or the unknown that got your heart racing?  The act of pushing yourself past the "should I or shouldn't I?" And just jumping!

I remember the first time I learned to rock climb.  It was the summer of '92 and I was visiting a friend in California.  I was hanging out on Dog Beach in Hunting Beach, just enjoying the day with Winter, a white German Sheppard, when a guy sat beside me with his dogs and started talking.  The conversation turned to, what things are on your bucket list.

When I said rock climbing his ears perked up.. "Really?!, I would be happy to teach you." ... I did not even hesitate,  "oh my gosh! Yes! Please!" But, no sooner did I answer than I realized what I had done.   We exchanged numbers and addresses and the next day, early in the morning he picked me up. 

 As we drove exchanging life stories making our way to the mountains I began to think..." WTF are you doing, Ash?"  "You are in a car with a man you don't know, trusting him to take you into the mountains to teach you how to rock climb... and get you home again safe."... " you idiot, this is the way Americas Most Wanted starts".. She was a nice girl, full of life and adventure......

 But, by that point I had rolled into the "screw it, why not stage"

We got our gear at REI and continued out to climb.  We stopped at some amazing cliffs (I know) and just sat. The view was beautiful; I can still see it as if I was sitting there now.

We eventually made it to our destination.  I put my shoes on and got ready to concur the rock in front of me.  We where bouldering, climbing without ropes (I know).

Ryan look at me clapped his hands and said "trust me and lets go."

Rule number 1.  Trust your feet.
"Ok" and I began to climb; falling in love with it at first move.

Rule number 2. Never look down.
From that I figured I was pretty high.
Now, here I stand on top feeling amazing, with my hands outstretched absorbing my surroundings. 

 After a few min I look down and ask.
"Ryan, how do I get down?"

Rule number 3. Never climb higher than you’re willing to fall.

Sounds like a life lesson doesn't it?

When I reached the top I was untouchable! I had been battling some personal demands that summer and was not sure if I was able to handle what was ahead of me.
When I was standing on top of the rock… my life changed.

I knew if I could do this I can do anything.  And honestly, I was never afraid of falling.  I trusted my feet and my own strength to get me to the top of that rock without a safety net. 

Just trusting myself and my abilities.

From that moment forward I never doubted myself again, and when I did, it was for a fleeting moment until I recalled that day and I never stopped climbing.

By the time we got back to La Jola I saw life a little different.
1. I was thankful to be alive
2. I learned that I can do pretty much anything as long as I have faith and trust in myself
3. I have the strength and ability to take care of myself. 

Looking back now, my rash decision to go off into the mountains with someone I knew for less than 24 hours and trust him with my life was, so……dumb!  

 Or was it?  

Would I be the person I am today had I not taken that risk?  Would I know my true strength had I not tossed caution to the wind and trusted my intuition?  Probably not. 

Please understand, I am not encouraging you to run off with a stranger and do something dangerous, but what I am encouraging you to do is, step, no, leap out of your comfort zone and find out who you are… how far you can push yourself and all that you can accomplish.

That one statement… Lesson #3.  “Never climb high than your willing to fall.”  

Don’t be afraid of falling. Fear is a mirage. As you become closer to something that scares you, it disappears. Think about that for a moment. 

Fear of a rollercoaster…. Heart is beating fast as you wait in line…. Your palms sweat as you buckle in….your breathing races as it takes off…. And then, laughter… smiles….the feeling of crushing your fear …. And then, you find yourself back in line, ready to ride again.  

The rush of overcoming your fear, combined with the excitement of the experience has overtaken your fear.  

Once you came upon your fear and walked through it… it disappeared, just like a mirage.  

 ...Have an Adventurous Weekend My Friends! 


This was not the day talked about above, but still one that captures the essence of living. ~ Italy, 2012
Monday the kido had off of school and it was gorgeous outside, so we took our drawing pad and writing skills to the intercostals.  

We spent the day drawing and writing in the sunshine. 

As we sat there in our creative state, I could not help but to stop and just watch him, so content and relaxed.  “do I ever look like that?” I thought.  “do I ever have that peaceful relaxed demeanor?”  

I asked myself this because, I do not feel I do, don’t get me wrong I do have the feeling of being peaceful, but do I look it?

 … my wheel are ‘ALWAYS’ turning. “What to write” “who to call” “when is my next client?” “ what’s for dinner” “what’s for lunch” “what was I doing???”  lol. 

Then I realized, I just may. … at that moment in time be just as relaxed. So I took count of what was around me and how I felt… 

1.my son was with me
2. it was the middle of the day on a Monday and I was working outside
3. the smell of salt water
4. the sun on my shoulders
5. my creative juices where flowing.

Once I did this I realized I have the ability to obtain that feeling of contentment anyplace. 

I also remembered a few years back when we were in Italy on top of Aragonese Castle, there was a moment that I felt myself just go.  My eyes shut, a weight lifted and my body did not feel my own. I was light and I disappeared.  

I know that may sound strange or funny, but at that moment I was so at peace that I allowed myself to go into a beautiful state of meditation. I will forever remember that moment, thanks to my son for reminding me that as long as you stay in tune with who you are, finding a moment of peace can be anyplace you choose. 

 Another beautiful thing happened this past week!  Do you remember me telling you something great was on the horizon?  

Well, this week I saw it come to life.   

 I have been blessed with the opportunity to write articles for Bombshell Magazine. http://bombshellmag.net/ it is an online magazine that focuses on the natural, raw beauty and ingrained power of women.   I have really enjoyed digging deep into my heart and watching my soul come alive ‘on paper’; there is something very therapeutic about it. 

I have been receiving such great feedback via email on the articles; I would like to ask you, if you are enjoying them, please take the time to leave a comment on them as well.  I am just so excited and can’t wait to see where it will lead me.

I am working everyday to assure I am the best person that I can be. And I cannot thank all of you enough for being with me on the journey.

Huge Hugs!

Lesson learned!....AGAIN. 

If you do not take care of yourself and slow down when your body tells you to, it will shut down for you. 


Not only was I not feeling well, but I had a HUGE bought of GUILT over my head for not writing... & I missed it so much!

 Yesterday was my first day back doing any sort of exercise in 3 weeks!! And what better way than Running a 5K?!... honestly, it was just what I needed. 

I kept saying to Nick, I feel great, this is the best I have felt in a long time. My time was not the greatest, 33:56 (33 something) but I finished and that is what counts.  

 Since I was not feeling the best, I lost momentum on “Operation Legs”, but that is ok…I will just begin again, stronger and healthier. 

One of the lessons I learned was that not only burning the candle at both ends will slow you down fast, but so will living in the past.   

I know this is a known fact, but sometimes it is difficult. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try it continues to creep in. You shake your head and tell yourself “don’t be silly”. “this no longer effects you.” Or “let it go”.  But you can’t. 

                                       It weighs on you. 

The trick is ‘Don’t OWN it!’  Do Not attach yourself to the feelings, especially if they do not have any bearing on your present. On YOUR LIFE NOW. 

Your life is way too precious to give into past thoughts and situations. Live in the Now and re-focus the energy that you are putting into your past into your future… you will be amazed on what will be accomplished, not to mention the endorphin rush of feeling accomplished.

For me, it was holding onto the security I had from my ‘Corporate J.O.B’ the comfort of knowing that I would be receiving ‘X’ amount of money a month, that my son and I had 100% medical, dental and vision. That I could go on vacation and not miss a paycheck.

Constantly thinking about these things caused me to lose focus on what I WAS doing and what I WAS receiving.  I am doing what I love; I am doing what I have always wanted to do.  Yes there is a trade off; but it is one that I know will level out soon.

We have been blessed with WONDERFUL clients and the ability to do what we are meant to do.  And that is what is important.  Like anyone else that has built a business, I too have growing pains. It just means that I will become Stronger and Better at what I do.  It’s because of my life lessons that I am able to help others reach their goals!

I was telling Nick the other day, every goal we have set, we have achieved, so I know that we will continue to do so. I just needed to get through it and find the ability to refocus.  I have Nick, Neiko and my closest and dearest friends to thank.  Sometimes you just need to hear yourself say things for them to click. 
So with that said, I have reset my intentions, I gave thanks for all I have, and counted the blessings that I was given.



 Week One Down with Success! Not only for me, but for some of my clients that are finishing up as well!  

I cannot express to you the gratitude that I feel when I sit down with someone and hear things beginning to "click" with them. When they tell me how they have learned to listen to their bodies and how to self regulate… This is a great gift. 

You may think that this is all about the client and what they are able to achieve, and you are 100% right; however that extra 10%, you know, that little bit we tack on top…. That is for me. That 10% fuels me, that 10% is what propels me to go that extra mile.

What in your life is the extra 10%?  What in your life gives you the strength and desire to keep going? To follow your passion?

The Clients that I have that are coming to the end of their program, have fueled me for the ones starting in February.  So to all of the clients this quarter that have met and surpassed their goals… I Thank You! 

Ok, onto…….

Operation Legs!!

So set aside the fact that walking, sitting and standing hurt… week one was awesome! Lol.. Honestly, I welcome the pain. I just keep reminding myself that my muscles are repairing themselves to become even bigger and stronger.

I know some ladies are afraid of ‘lifting weights’ for fear of ‘getting too big’  or   ‘looking like a guy’ .. WHAT?!? No Way… building muscle is SEXY! 

Remember YOU HAVE CONTROL over YOUR BODY!!!  Seriously, name one other thing in your life that you have total control over.

You get to chose what goes into it for fuel. What goes onto it for vanity, and how it is sculpted for aesthetic.

Find a program that works best for you.  I know for me, the moment I can't wear something that I want to because I’m self conscious, its time to change.

This is a great article… please take a moment to read, I promise you that it will squash all off your reasons NOT to lift.  http://weightdownweightloss.wordpress.com/2013/09/10/8-reasons-women-should-lift-heavier-weights/

Monday:… I am posting Monday again because my Weights changed.

Warm up 5-8 min…. I did the stair mill

Leg Press 5 sets of 10 
*1st and 2nd set 90 lb
*3rd and 4th set 100lb
*5th set 120 lb

Sumo Squats 5 sets of 20
*1st set 25 lb
*2nd and 3rd  set 30lb
*4th and 5th set 35 lb

Straight Leg (Single Leg) Dead Lift 5 sets of 10 Each Leg
* 1st set  with 10lb dumbbells
*2nd and 3rd set 15lb
*4th and 5th set 30lb

3 sets per leg of Lunge around the clock


Standard Warm-Up 5-8 min

3 sets of 10 Ball Pike

3 sets of 10 push-ups

3 sets of 10 bench press

3 sets of 10 standing shoulder press

3 sets of 10 triceps push down

3 sets of 10 suicide plank

3 sets of 30 mountain climbers


10 min elliptical

2 sets of 8 dumbbell snatches (per arm)

2 , 1 min plank

2 sets of 10 dead lifts with light weight  (30 lbs)

 5 sets of 5 dead lifts with increasing weight.

                *1st set 50lb

                *2nd set 60lb

                *3rd set 70lb

                *4th and 5th set 80lb

3 sets of 12 reps Assisted pull ups


5 push-ups

10 mountain climbers

20 crunches

30 sec side plank, each side

Repeat 2 times.
1) Ball Pike 2) Sucide Plank 3) One Arm Dumbell Snatch

I hope everyone had a great weekend!   It was so cold here this weekend.. it was AWESOOOME! 

Let me first apologize about not having the links for the videos.  I am having some serious issues with getting them uploaded to YouTube.  A 40 second video is taking about 45 min.  I’m not sure what is going on but, I hope to have it corrected soon.  Nick and I did some great things that will help explain some of the exercises that I list. 
THIS is what I feel like when YOUTUBE does not upload! :)
PictureEveryone needs gym selfies. lol

So I made it through my first week pretty good!  Keeping on track with my workouts and food; I think I am finally figuring out what works best for me. 

 I am learning that my body responds better in the morning than, mid day or night.   Yesterday I went to the gym at about 3, and even though I had a great session, I could feel I was more sluggish than when I go in the AM. 

The other thing I learned… I NEED TO EAT MORE.   I know this may sound silly, and while most would love that idea, I am honestly having a hard time with it.  Not because I’m thinking of all the food I’m in taking, but because, for me,  it’s exhausting.  


 I think of food as fuel. Something my body needs to survive and grow.  Unfortunately with that, I am not always eating with intention.  I’m eating standing up, thinking about everything else I have to accomplish that day and I just want to be DONE.    

Now, I know this is wrong.  I tell my clients all the time, you have to eat with intention.  Everything you do up to that point has a purpose.  

Think about Thanksgiving Dinner… You are excited and happy to prepare the meal.  In turn, it is packed with love!  

Ever notice how Holiday Meals always taste so much better than everyday meals?

 ‘Everyday meals’ are prepared on a rush, thinking about your job, or the family schedule after work; before you know it your plate is clean.  Do you even remember ‘what you ate’ or ‘what it tasted like’?

Try eating with intention. 
*Think about your food as you prepare it, what is each ingredient giving you?  How is playing a role in your health?

*Sit at a table, with your feet below you and be thankful. (I’m not saying you have to say a prayer, just thankful that you are able to have food on your plate)

*Enjoy every bite. Really taste the layers of flavors and textures that you prepared.

*And think / talk about happy, good and productive things for that period of time.

Just as life, I’m ever evolving.   My goal this week, Eating with intention.  :)


Normal 5-8 minute Warm-up

SUPERSET : 2 rotations with 60 second rest between rotations.
20 alternating lunges (10 each leg)
*holding 10 lb dumbbells

20 Lateral squats (10 each leg)
*holding 10 lb dumbbell

5 burpies

Seated rows, neutral grip
5 sets, each time increase your weight with 60 second rest between sets
Set 1:  15
Set 2:  12
Set 3:  10
Set 4:  8
Set 5:  6

Assisted Pull-ups
*Same set rotation as above

High Cable Rows
*Same set rotation as above

 SUPERSET: 3 rotations with a 90 second rest between rotations.
12 bicep curls
*10 lb dumbbells

12 back extensions
*10 lb dumbbells

12 hammer curls
*10 lb dumbbells

Warm up 5-8 min…. I did the stair mill

Leg Press 5 sets of 10 
*1st and 2nd set 70 lb

*3rd and 4th set 90 lb
*5th set 80 lb

Sumo Squats 5 sets of 20
*sets with 25lb dumbbell held with both hands between legs

Straight Leg (Single Leg) Dead Lift 5 sets of 10 Each Leg
* sets with 10lb dumbbells

3 sets per leg of Lunge around the clock

Have a Beautiful Day! BIG HUGS! ~Ash
We are now 2 weeks into 2014 ~ How are your New Years Resolutions Coming? ~

I am so happy with the way the year is starting out.  I have overcome obstacles and conquered fears… along with watching dreams become reality.
 As you know, becoming the person you want to be is a journey, every goal you set for yourself is another chapter.  

I set a goal to have you help me become more accountable with taking care of myself.  Learning to slow down and enjoy life, take care of myself by eating better (all the time) and getting back to the gym. I cannot thank you enough for helping me.  But like with everything else, goals and challenges change. 

I am also happy to say that T.H.I.S keeps gaining momentum and with that I need to do a little restructuring.  As you know I try to write everyday… that turned in every other.  I am now at the point where I really feel that twice a week will be good.  Although the posts will be farther apart, they will have more information. :)

Thank You so much for all of your support!


Now that I have the discipline of going back to the gym or garage, I am off to conquer yet another goal….. My LEGS!  

I have had issues with my legs as long as I can remember.  It is the one part of my body that I ‘feel’ I have never been happy with.  And that IS GOING TO CHANGE starting this week!

They have always (for the most part) been skinny, but never lean nor toned.  For some reason I have always concentrated on my mid to upper body…maybe it’s the wonderful feeling of not being able to walk after. ;)  …. Like today!

So here it is… Legs Heavy 2 days of the week with recovery and upper body the others.  This also means I have to up my protein intake.  

Monday I had what I thought was going to be enough, only to experience a starving feeling all day.  Because I was eating borderline for so long, (so I learned) once I taxed my body with a heavy workout, even though I was eating almost double of my normal, it still was not enough. 

My workouts before were more conditioning and general fitness and now I am switching to more muscle growth.  We figured that I will now need about 74grams of protein a day on heavy days and 71 on conditions days. 

I am posting a couple of photos that are incredibly hard for me to put out there…. But I have to...

...As I remind myself of the 4/8/12 rule.

It take 4 weeks for you to see change

8 weeks for your friends and family

12 weeks for the rest of the world….

So here goes week 1 ! 

My beginning weight 118 at 24% bodyfat…  Eak.


Warm up 5-8 min…. I did the stair mill

Leg Press 5 sets of 10 
*1st set 50lb
*2 & 3rd set 70lb
*4 & 5th set 90lb

Sumo Squats 5 sets of 20
*4 sets with 25lb dumbbell held with both hands between legs
*1 set with 20lb

Straight Leg (Single Leg) Dead Lift 5 sets of 10 Each Leg
*3 sets 10lb dumbbells
*2 sets with 30lb ….I switched to regular dead lifts , I was going to fall over. 

3 sets per leg of Lunge around the clock

Tuesday WORKOUT:

Woowza, wicked sore today… I LOVE IT!

I did not get a workout in tonight because we had our first dance lesson, I have to say we are naturals! Haha

Once I got home it was 7pm, had dinner and got ready for our 9pm class….normally this day would be an active recovery day.

Bike ride



Wednesday WORKOUT:

Warm-up 5-8 min… stair mill ( I love this thing!)

3 sets of 10 push-ups (30-60 rest in-between)

3 sets of 10 smith machine bench press
*1set with 5lb plate on each side
*2 sets with 25lb total weight

3 sets of 10 standing shoulder dumbbell press (60 sec rest in-between)
*10lb dumbbells

3 sets of 10 tricep pushdowns at 20lbs
3 sets of 10 ball pikes
3 sets of 10 suicide plank

3 sets of 30 mountain climbers

but are taking Foooooorever to Upload... 
I will have them up by Friday! 

I am also incorporating  (hyperlinks are attached to the products)

Protein Shakes

Nighttime Recovery



Thank you so much for all of your support and let’s get ready to BUILD those LEGS!! 

 Hi everyone, I am sorry that I have been MIA this week.  It has been packed full of great events!! Here are just a few and more on the way…

Tuesday I was invited to speak to a group of ladies about AdvoCare and Health Coaching. 

It was a lot of fun and something I had not done before.  When I was first asked, I was under the impression that there was going to be a lot of speakers, like a health fair.  So I found comfort in numbers….  Until I got there.  Myself and one other lady were the only speakers!!  EAK… insert heart bounding here!  

Public speaking is a fear of mine that I NO LONGER HAVE!!!  I was charged up and enjoyed it so much, and I guess my nervousness did not show through (too much) since I was asked back again in a few months.

Something that helped;  I had people in the room that I knew believed in me. Nick, his Mom and our dear friend Sony, who introduced me to the group.  THANK YOU all!! ….(and I pulled Nick up to talk at the end. Lol, everyone needs a safety net at first)

Something else great that happened ( I received word this morning)  A piece I wrote was accepted into a magazine!!!  I will come back with more on that when I can, but I had to share the great news with you. 

One last thing this week that I always wanted to do… go back to dancing.  

I love it so much and miss it even more, to the point when I hear a song on the radio; I already have it choreographed in my head.  Lol.  So with a smile and bat of my eyes Nick agreed to go with me.  

I cannot tell you how excited I am.  Both of our lives are Go, Go, Go that this will give us time to just be US!  And that is so important in a relationship… enjoying laughter and memories!.  (pictures to come on this one… I promise!)
I am so excited to see what the rest of 2014 brings!  So far its only the 9th and I am experiencing some great game changers!

Are you?  Are you seeing your dreams and desires and prayers coming true?  Do you need help with manifesting where you want your life to take you?

We can help you.  Remember, you can reach out any time for a FREE HEALTH HISTORY and we can talk about helping you become the person you know you can be!


Sorry, not a lot of food picks so far this week, sadly I have been running around so much that I have lived on almonds and fruit, with a few Meal Replacement Shakes.
 Workout: I used 10lb weights

10 per leg lateral step ups
10 per leg  reverse lunge
5 push ups
20 crunches
Repeat 3 x’s 1 min rest in between

 15 per arm, one arm dumbbell row
15 per arm, one arm chest press
15 / 30lbs sumo squat
Repeat 3 x’s 1 min rest in between
Rest 5 min ( if you need)

5 x5 ( 5 sets of 5) dead lift with 30lbs dumbbells




This weekend was the first that everyone was back together again, and I loved it.  There is something to be said for a house full silliness and time spent with family and friends.

It was full of cooking, celebrating and heartache (football… nothing crazy)

Friday Neiko and I spent some quality time wondering the beach.  It was wicked cold and a windy as all get out, but we enjoyed taking photos and being silly…. Memories made on a Friday afternoon = perfect day!
I was trying to photobomb a seagull! :)

Friday Dinner:  Stuffed Peppers!!

Organic Turkey Sausage taken out of the casing and browned.

1 yellow onion

1 large tomato

3 peppers , the tops diced and added to onions and tomatoes

1 cup brown long grain rice and flax seed

This was the beginning of Saturday Morning.   All I could do was laugh!  Let’s just say that the kitchen is very clean now and had a beautiful aroma of Kimbo Coffee. (could be worse)
you can't see it here, but the floors and walls got hit as well. :(

Once we finished cleaning up it was time to hit the garage for a weekend work-out!

Saturday morning workout:

Warm Up:
With Stability ball under heals:
15 hip raises
15 leg curls (hips off floor, pull your knees in, rolling ball to your butt)
1 min plank

8 each leg, lateral squat
30 mountain climbers
15 sumo squats with 30lb weight

10 squat press w/10lb weights
10 each side thread the needle.  (side plank, arm in the air, twist bringing arm through between your body and floor.
3 x’s

We had a great evening with friends watching the games ….but sadly the Eagles lost, sorry amore!  


Sunday we learned that our lot likes to flood. L  we had so much rain it was insane!  So what is one to do on a rainy day??  Play in the kitchen of course!   

It was Nick’s parents 45th Anniversary on Saturday so we whipped up some yummy cheesecake toppings and the kids made some anniversary signs.  

I never realized how pretty blackberries are inside. 

The Strawberries, Blackberries and Pineapple were boiled down in their natural juices, no water added. 

Spending time with everyone and watching some football was the perfect ending to the weekend.

I hope everyone has a beautiful day and is enjoying the New Year so far!  I know that we are! 



    This is just raw and simple. Join me on this journey. 


    December 2013

    Products I Use.
    People ask me what supplements or or vitamins I use, so here you go.... 
    You can find my secret HERE.