I can’t believe that it is Thursday night already.  This past week has gone by so fast I feel like it did not even happen.  We are enjoying the last few days of winter break and slowly moving back onto a schedule.

Nick was back to work today and our True Health phone was ringing bright and early!  I felt like I accomplished a weeks’ worth of work by 11:00 am…. It felt amazing!  I love being busy, projects going and great news coming in via texts and email. 

I think I was able to accomplish so much because Neiko slept till Noon, so the house was quiet… Bless him!

Because the day was busy, I did not get a workout in; however I will be ending it with some Sun Salutations and a little meditation. 

I was reminded today of how far I have come, and it is all because I never allowed my fears to get in the way.  

Yes, it was a journey and not easy at times, but I would not change a thing.  Because of what I have gone through in life I am able to help others.  

I am blessed for the life I was handed, and I am thankful all that I have learned. 

Food Time:

Breakfast:  My go to drink, spinach, kale, almonds, chia seeds, blueberries, turmeric and cinnamon. 
Lunch (for Nick) almond, walnut baked chicken over kale, spinach and pear with a little gorgonzola cheese.

(for Me) Tuna melt and some strawberries.  
(this tuna is great to carry with you, because it is packed in olive oil you  do not need anything else, just a fork! )

Dinner:  I was with a client tonight so Nick made a yummy dinner.  
Garden Pasta with mushrooms, onions and tomatoes and white beans sautéed in olive oil and oregano 
(from the garden)

He did a great job and I’m so thankful to come home to dinner!!!  
Thank you Amore! 

Have a wonderful night everyone….. 

As you lay your head down, be grateful for the life you have been given & all of your accomplishments! 


I hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year Celebration.  I made it long enough to ring in with Dubai, Moscow, and Australia…. And then hit the sack.  (I know pathetic. Lol)
Nick and I had a nice slow morning waking up, we had scrambled eggs, mushrooms and caramelized onions with protein bread and hummus. 
    After we hit the beach for a little run…. That turned into 2 miles worth of interval running.  From the second that my feet hit the pavement I started to cramp, but I pushed through and with a little mind over matter and refocusing I was able to keep going. 

 We used to run the beach all the time and it was cake!  When we were on the last leg of the run, I told Nick that this needs to become a part of our life again…. And then I wanted to die!  (you can see it in my face... :(  )

 My driving thought was; “I used to be better than this.”  

I know I can surpass my best as well, with a little discipline and determination.  

So one of my goals is to continue my beach pace with always improving.. and then going just that much further. 


We had a pretty full day visiting some family and friends.  Pia made a wonderful turkey and bean chili packed with veggies and avocados!  Thank you Pia!!!  

And dinner was amazing!  Nicks mom made spinach, prosciutto and mozzarella stuffed turkey with sweet potatoes, cabbage slaw and salad!....

 We ate like Kings and Queens today!

It was a perfect day… and way better way than to end it with a little song and dance. 
(Neiko busted us being silly in the car...lol)
If it does not play right away, move the start point just a little. :) 
It is only 8:30 and I am spent.  It’s time to make note of something I am thankful for to put in the jar and then I am off to bed!

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!


 We are ready to go with operation “Our Life 2014!”  

I hope that you are all taking part in this as well. 
I am already excited at the thought of going back and reading them 2015! 

Remember as you enter into this New Year the greatest gift you can give is appreciation.  

When you show appreciation towards a loved one, a friend, your child’s teacher, even the girl at the coffee shop, that gift will carry them through the rest of the day.  

The smile that you will receive will carry you.


Take moments in your day for random acts of kindness.  Give a compliment, hold a door, purchase the coffee for the guy behind you in line, send a text to your loved one with a special message. 

Show support and encouragement to those around you.  A simple smile will change the course of someone’s day. 


Respect each other.  We all have our own story, and no one will ever know all of it, but if you take time and listen and really pay attention you will hear most of it.  

Give your undivided attention to those around you, the text will not go away, the call can be returned and trust me the game can be saved.  Respect and attention build foundation.


The element of Surprise!

Do something ‘Just Because its Tuesday!’   Mix it up, don’t save the flowers, champagne or staycation for a special event… do it ‘Just Because!’  

LOVE  & BE KIND To One Another....  
HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2014....
**  Here is the rundown of the day! :)
First off... Nick is Home Yipppppie! 

Breakfast:  Oatmeal, cranberries and almonds. (took a photo today!)

Snack: Spinach, Kale, Blueberry, Almonds, Chia Seeds, Turmeric & Cinnamon

Lunch:  yahhhh ( still just Sparked it).. with a side of starfruit!   

Dinner:  Pear, Bacon & Gorgonzola Salad with Walnut and Almond Crusted, Baked Chicken.   (in the process of making so no pic.
Workout was a quick one today, only 15 min. But at least I got my sneaks on!

30 sec Upper Body Twist

30 sec Lateral Squat

2 rounds at 30 sec a round, Skater Squats

2 rounds at 30 sec a round, Push-Ups

2 rounds at 30 sec a round, One Arm Dumbbell Swing

2 rounds at 30 sec a round, Dumbbell Reverse Lunge (step backwards)

2 rounds at 30 sec a round, Oblique Crunch

2 rounds at 30 sec a round, Full Sit-up with Legs Bent, Feet on the Floor

2 rounds at 30 sec a round, Alternating Heel Touches (crunches)

I am happy to say that the house has been cleaned up from all of the Christmas festivities and some sort of normalcy has been put into order, including my exercise and eating habits!
So he we go folks, we are just jumping in… 

Breakfast:  Oatmeal with cranberries and almonds

Snack: Peanut butter , apples and almonds   (good gosh, I promise I will get better with my picture taking!)

 Lunch:  (I was in full blown cleaning mode, honestly had a Spark and kept going)

Dinner: Chicken, broccoli and some potatoes. Yummm

I know not the best day.... however it was not filled with cookies, so it's a great start!

While my energy was high I jumped into my sneaks and worked out at home.

All I have to say is...Eak… the week off that I took, wreaked havoc on me.  

I started slow with this workout just to get my heart pumping … and my body had the pleasure of reminding me what a week off can do.  But I made it through! 
It is actually a great one to keep handy for times that you can’t get to the gym or you’re traveling.  When I used to travel, I always took my body Bands with me; such a life saver!  They will work perfect with this routine. 

**the 3 minutes reads: 
10 push-ups / rest
15 tricep dips / rest
repeat for 3 min. 

**the 4 minutes reads:
1 min lunges or walking lunges
1 min mountain climbers
repeat 4 times

I want to end this with a post from FB today.  

I believe that it is VERY important to be thankful for your blessings, they remind you of all the good in your life, even when things seem a little dark so.  I would like to add... Please do not get rid of the jars when the year is over... keep them, take them off the shelf once in awhile and count ALL of the love and goodness that surrounded you! 

Here is the post:

Good Morning! I have been seeing this around FB, as I'm sure you have too. & I LOVE IT!

We work a lot with 'primary foods', and being Thankful and feeling Blessed are a big part of our health. 

I think that as the year goes on we lose sight of what was Amazing and Wonderful... What events and mild stones, contributed to our happiness. 

So to have a little reminder of all the good... Is Perfect! 

Your homework assignment today... Find a jar, post its and a special pen to mark the moments of 2014!!!

Hi Everyone!  I hope that your last few days where filled with so many blessings and memories that they will carry you through to next year!

We kept ourselves busy with visiting family and friends, the days were filled with so much laughter and a few tears as we made our rounds.  

We did a lot of things different this year and I am so happy that we did.  

Nick and I agreed no presents for adults and to just focus on the kids. I really welcomed this idea since we have accomplished so much for and with each other the past 12 months that we are blessed enough.  

With that said, Neiko made it a point to come to each of us separately and told us that he wants to get each of us something.  

So the night before Nick left we had a mini Christmas celebration, orchestrated by Neiko.  I am so happy that he did this, mainly because it gives him so much joy.  

Watching him light up as he does for others just makes my heart swell…. And that is what it is about, the joy of the children and doing for others. 

( I wish I took photos... I really need to get better at that)

Althought, I did take one... Liquid Gold. :)  lol. 

 Truffel Oil is my favorite. 

The guys ran out right before bed and put it in my stocking. 
....insert happy girl dance here!

Something that was made very apparent in our dinner conversations, is that I am blessed with a child that does not require a lot of material things to make him happy. 

I have learned over the years that he is a lot like me, he just wants to be surrounded by people who love and adore him. 

Experiences make the memories. 
(he is getting too big!)
So that was the focus this year.... Souround yourself with LOVE!

First up... SANTACON 2013!! My best girlfriend, Laura and I put our Santa outfits on and hit the streets of Delray!

If you have not done this, I recommend doing it at least once!  Over 500 Santa’s, Elves and Trees whooping it up and kicking off the holiday Festivities!  It was hysterical to say the least and it was just what I needed to throw me into the spirit!

The next few days where filled with wrapping presents, making appetizers and a few gifts.  I had made some Sleepy Dust and Coconut Body Scrubs. (recipes below) … I became addicted to the scrub that I ended up making two different kinds for myself as well. 

Christmas Eve is always at my Dads, my Step-mom makes a million different cookies, and yes we try all of them 5x’s over…. And this is where I begin to fall off the healthy wagon!   We had a great time catching up and having wrapping paper fights followed by more cookies!!

Hi My Name is Ashlie, and I overindulged this Christmas Season… way toooooo much!  (but we will come back to that!)
Sleepy Suzi in the corner... I think she got into the Sleepy Dust!

Next stop…. The Duggers! 
One of the things I miss most is Christmas mornings; 
waking up surrounded by family and little kids.  
“The Magic of Christmas Morning.”  

We arrived there late, around 9, made a couple of “Santa Night Caps” and waited for the little one to fall asleep while watching ‘Home Alone’ . Once the presents where under the tree we headed off to bed.

Santa Night Cap:  Frozen Coffee, Bailys and Vanilla Vodka.

8:15am and everyone is still sleeping!! Wake – up Santa was here!!!

Finally!!......  ahhhhhh Love, Love, Love This!!!

One of the best presents…. The boys making Christmas Breakfast, Waffles and Bacon!! 

I wonder if they realize that they will be doing this from now on?


(don’t judge, I already admitted to being bad…and I added raspberries, I think that counts!)

 Next up…. Lauras!

This was great.. Laura and I have been BF for about 21 years, so you can imagine all the stories.  

It was so nice to see her mom and sister as well.  When I opened the door the look on her sisters’ face was priceless as she looked past me and saw Neiko. 

 “Is that one yours?”  I laughed, realizing the last time I saw her I was only 25.


Neiko caught up with some girls that he had not seen in about 5 years. 

It was another successful night filled with great food, laughter and stories.


Sophie even got in on the action! 

I have to say, even though a big piece of who we are was missing, I think that making appoint of surrounding ourselves with people who love us made all the difference in the world…. And it is not over yet.  Today we are off to see Nicks family to deliver more gifts and love.

A lot of new tradition began this year, and with them some of my old feelings have gone away.  Things that I have been carrying for years, since childhood are beginning to heal.  

When I look at what is so different this year than years past, one thing rings so loud.

I chose for it to be different.  

I made a conscious effort to change certain things. I manifested things that where important to me, I enjoyed them and gave thanks for them when they showed up. 

It is not the gifts or how much money is spent, but the true meaning of 'family' and that does not only mean through blood, but who is held in your heart.  

This time of year you should be surrounded by those who mean the most to you. The people who you carry in your heart.

Even if you can't be with all of them, find a way to let them know how special they are and what they bring to your life.

Blessings ~


Source: http://butterbeliever.com/how-to-fall-back-asleep/

Why you’re waking upThere’s a reason why your eyes snap open at 3 am—you’re stressed! I mean literally, you’re having a biochemical reaction to excessive amounts of stress hormones floating throughout your poor body that’s trying to sleep.

In a healthy body with a healthy metabolism, hormone levels cycle moderately through highs and lows throughout the 24 hour cycle—what’s known as your circadian rhythms. When you have a stressed metabolism, natural peaks of stress hormone levels spike to abnormal highs, initiating a stress response. When this happens at night, it seriously disrupts sleep patterns, and often causes you to wake up—often leaving you so wired up that you’re unable to fall back asleep.

What’s the solution? Believe it or not, something as simple as a hit of sugar and salt can send those stress hormones packing, and get you back on track to a better night’s sleep.

  • 5 Tablespoons organic cane sugar (I like this kind as it’s not bleached or heavily refined, and is fair-trade)
  • 1 Tablespoon sucanat/rapadura (this is completely unrefined sugar cane juice, with all minerals intact)
  • 2 teaspoons real sea salt

****Keep the jar bedside. and when you wake in the middle of the night, just put a little under your tongue and drift back to sleep. 


This can be used with either sugar or salt. Just mix the Coconut Oil with your choice. 
I made one with Himalayan Pink Salt and Sea Salt, I added some fresh lemon zest, ginger and a little peperment oil.

The other one I mixed with Organic white and brown sugars.

Both of these are wonderful.  if you use them in the shower make sure you clean the floor before the next person gets in so they do not slip. 

This morning is my first morning waking up in our home alone.  
Everyone is scattered for the weekend. So, it is just Coco and I for right now. 
The house is quiet. 

 I decided to come outside and write while enjoying the sound of the wind and the singing of the birds; but I keep fining myself drifting off, wondering what everyone is doing.  
As nice as the quiet is, I miss the commotion of the morning.  I miss knowing that the kids are snuggled in bed sleeping while Nick and I sit on the patio welcoming the day. 

It ‘s also, times like these that allow me to remove myself from everyday life and reflect on all the blessings we have.  

Yesterday was such a lazy day. ( you need them once in a while) Neiko and I decided it was going to be a Christmas Movie Marathon Day! We just cooked, baked and watched movies; loving every second of it.  

Its times like that that prompts all of the ‘remember when’ conversations. It was a great trip down memory lane.  We realized that no matter what is happening around us, the fact that we have each other and fill our lives with amazing people, we will always be ok. 

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment 
until it becomes a memory.
~ Dr Seuss

Take time, be understanding and patient to people and situations around you. If we slow down just a bit and really listen to the world around us, I believe you will find exactly what you need at that moment. Sometimes it may come from the most un expected places…but you have to be open to it. 

 Sunday’s are meant to be surrounded by family and friends… take time for yours today!

I’m off to do a little yoga and meditation...then a perfect day with my son and mom! 
~Ash xo 

WOWZA!!!  Seriously what a week.   I found these two pictures today that pretty much sum it up.  

However, I could not be happier with all that was accomplished.  Even though I was un able to get some of my work outs in and the ‘me’ time was very limited, I did have some wonderful client calls and people excited about the changes that they are seeing… and that is what it is all about! 

I cannot tell you how much that fills my heart; to know that T.H.I.S is changing lives.  True Health Integrative Systems has been a dream turned goal turned reality.  I LOVE IT!.

Please if you have not done so already check out our new YOUTUBE Channel. 

Today is another crazy day…. I really enjoy this time of year, even though it is crazy doing things for others always fills my heart.  This morning is a simple one.  Neiko ask if I could drive him to school today… I think I will take him on that beautiful back road I found the other day. 
Here is today’s workout! It’s a good one so fuel up!

8 min cardio warmup

Superset 5 burpies / 10 back extensions  …2 rounds

Deadlift 5 x5 (5 sets of 5)

Push-ups 5 x 10

Superset 5 x 5 pull-ups / 5 x 5 lateral squat, each leg…3 rounds

10 pike / 20 ball crunches

20 mountain climbers / 10 bench hops  (hands on bench, hop side to side of bench, getting your hips high)

10 min sun salutation

Good Luck today guys!  I’m off to get the kido to school and hitting the gym! 
Good Morning All!  Sorry I did not get a chance to post yesterday.  Nick and I were getting our first video done for our NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL!!  Be sure to check it out.  I will post the link on Face Book after it is uploaded.

I am excited about the channel because instead of sending you to someone else’s YT for exercise explanations I can now just send you to ours!.... Exciting stuff, don’t ya’ think?!?

Yesterday was pretty exciting; we had some people take advantage of our ONE MONTH HOLIDAY SPECIAL!  Some people gave the Gift of Health to themselves; others gave it to loved ones. Only a few spots left so if you or someone you know is interested contact us soon! 

If you know anyone that would benefit from T.H.I.S please pass along our One Month Program, available Now until Dec 31st. 

hmmm.. makes a pretty good Christmas Present, Don't you think? 


* A personal one on one Health History.

* Goal setting tailored to 'your' life 

* Field trip with your coach to the grocery store. (personalized virtual field trip for all of our clients abroad and out of town)

* Restocking the cupboard for success.

* Exercise overhaul 

* (2) private coaching sessions, to reinforce what you have learned and adjust your plan of action for continued success.

For those wondering what the workout was yesterday, I have to report that we all slept in and I slacked, I got caught up in the rest of the day.  
See, we are all a work in progress.  
I did feel very guilty reporting to Nick when he got home that I did not get it done. Hmmmm Make up day today!! 

The guys are in the garage now! No excesses today!

Well, this is a short one today… Time to make the donuts! … ok, eggs, I can shape them like donuts though.

Bring on the Day! 


…Just Chilly for Florida and I love this weather!  We had the windows open and the crisp air that was flowing through  the house woke the crew, we were ready to conquer the day.  Nick and Neiko had a great workout this morning and Coco was a happy puppy.   While they were taking on the day, I got breakfast ready, lunches packed, and Coco fed. 
Scrambled Eggs with Sauteed Spinach & Tomatoes with a little Mozzarella & some Ezekiel Toast. nom nom nom
Once they were out the door, it was my turn.  I was stoked to get to the gym, only to be brought to a halt by a bad accident on the way.  I pray no one was hurt. The accident forced a detour of traffic,  I was not familiar with where I was but knew if I kept heading North, I would eventually recognize a road. 

This was as little gift. 

The side road that I took looked like I was in another state. I had the windows down, the cool air coming in and I loved the scenery so much I found myself driving slower than normal through the neighborhood.  The roads where tree lined and winding, the houses were either on slops or down hills.  It gave me the feeling of the holidays.. and I loved it. …..I wish I took a photo. Maybe I’ll take that way tomorrow, just because. 

Once to the gym, I had a great workout and felt centered.  It was just what I needed to continue a productive day.  We have so much going on right now it is exciting…. But it is a lot. I am trying my best to keep myself on task and all the projects rolling in the right direction without neglecting others.  

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, but then I remember I am the one who gets to decide what is important at that moment.  Today I did need a little extra time to"just be",so I took a que from Coco. See she has this one spot in the yard that she loves.  She will sit there just looking out, taking in the sun and smells around her. So I did the same. 
Anyone that knows us knows our backyard is full of pallets that we re-purpose.  So I took my yoga mat and sat atop under the sun and began to meditate. I could feel myself drifting; giving thanks for all I have, the people in my life and the love that surrounds me.  It was a peaceful 5 min.  Although I would have enjoyed it a little longer, I was happy with what I was able to achieve.  My head was clear and I had my tasks mapped out for the day. 

Once cleaned up, I had a delicious lunch. Spaghetti Squash with Tomatoes,Onions and Garlic, Sunflower Seeds and a little Goat Cheese.
I know it is so easy to become overwhelmed, especially during the Holiday Season. Remember, It will all get done. And if by chance something is missed; YOU are the ONLY one who knows!  So do not beat yourself up.  

Take time for yourself, wake up every morning thankful, and go to bed every night being proud of what you accomplished that day. 

Here are our workouts for the day. I am going to start including the Kido's as well 

400 meter warm up

8 explosive step-ups, each leg
10 decline sit ups
10 one arm dumbbell snatch, each arm

400 meter run
30 mountain climbers

8 min cardio warm up

15 light to mod weight pull overs
10 thread the needle, each side. (side plank, arm straight up, twist and slide arm trough. 
20 mountain climbers

10 push-ups
20 air squats
10 cable bicep curls

10 dumbbell skull crushers
10 seated hammer curls
10 seated shoulder press
Today's Lesson: Where ever you are, whatever you are doing, be present in that moment.  If it is important enough for you to be devoting time to, it is important enough to learn from.  

Today I found a new route to the gym that makes me smile.  I also allowed myself 5 min of meditation in the sun before tackling the tasks of the day.  
...and then there is this...
( As I finish writing this I am hearing commotion in the garage… what I find is Nick giving Neiko a little Italian Lesson… lol… one of the things I am thankful for.. a house full of laughter)

Sweet Dreams, Good Morning.
I was taught a wonderful lesson in patience today. How you ask?  By spending my entire morning at the DMV!! :)
But before we get, let me share my breakfast on the go with you! 8 oz of water, almonds, blueberries, spinach, chia seeds, turmeric and cinnamon. YUMMMY.
Ok, back to my beautiful morning... 
Let me tell you right now, If you do not have your REAL ID from the DMV, they do not budge on the ‘required documents’.  Nick and I got there early enough the 1st line was not too bad, but we learned that when they say bring Passport or Birth Certificate, it is just that. It does not matter that you have a state issued DL or any other proof of government ID that requires an extensive back ground check… nope!  BC or Passport.  That was the first whammy… Nick headed out and I stayed to battle, only to discover that a letter from the IRS with my SS# is not acceptable it must be your SS card, W-2 or 1099. So needless to say I hightailed my butt home, grabbed the correct docs and headed back to the DMV… this time not only did I have the right papers… but I also remembered how I was not prepared yesterday and remembered today!  … See lesson learned. 

When I presented the nice man with my documents this time he said, “Great, your hour and 15 min wait time starts now, have a seat.”  I smiled, took my number and snack and had a seat: for an hour and a half.  But that was ok.  I banged out a Newsletter draft, followed up with clients and answered some e-mails while I waited.  
 “Now serving E185 at station 12”  Woop Woop that is me!  
All excited I pop over to the counter and hand my documents to realize the lady on the other side is in training… that’s fine.  I answer her question, do my eye test and get ready for my picture. No warning, 3 flashes go off and she said in a sweat voice, “hmmm, I think this will work” . Meanwhile the stall next to me has processed 3 people already.  I smiled, jokingly said “I did not get a warning.”  She laughed… I cannot wait to see this photo.  

So after what felt like forever, I receive my DL.  Ok not so bad, considering my last photo I was 27, this one at least looks like me.  It is now 12:45 and I am ready to go!  Heck I have not even gone to the gym yet!

 Just when I was feeling restless, she thanked me for being patient and understanding while she trained.  How could I not tell her that she really did do a great job and that she made the process a little more tolerable.

Her comments to me alone made my stress of wanting to get out of there go away.   It was a nice reminder to always be kind to one another.  Because even though you may be frustrated on the inside you never know who will be thankful for the actions you display on the outside.

By the time I got home and had lunch (healthy salad and fruit) I did not have the motivation to go to the gym, until I received this text from Nick:  


"If I said No what would my punishment be?"

"Double down + sprints"

"Shit.... leaving in 5 min :)"

"copy that"

And there my friends was the motivation I needed for today’s workout :

You know the drill on Super-sets:

StairMaster 8 min warm up.

10 Alternating lateral squats each leg
10 push-ups
10 stability ball pikes
30 sec each side plank

10 assist pull-ups
10 low cable pulley rows
10 burpees

10 forward / back lunges per leg
20 crunches on ball
20 decline Russian twists
Tomorrow is a brand new day... I wonder what it will hold? 

Sweet Dreams and Good Morning, I have a pillow calling my name! 


P.S.... I do want to acknowledge my kido for continuing to get up before the birds to train.  I am very proud of him for taking his goals seriously.  :)


    This is just raw and simple. Join me on this journey. 


    December 2013

    Products I Use.
    People ask me what supplements or or vitamins I use, so here you go.... 
    You can find my secret HERE.